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Jeremic’s false claims over Kosovo in the OAS



Serbian Foreign Minister Jeremic has made a statement directed to the countries of the Organization of the American States where he again has transmitted three false claims. “The Kosovo Times” analyzes briefly the back story to them which is exactly the information that Minister Jeremic would like to avoid.
Kosovo and the ICJ

The Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed that Serbia’s Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic has called on the Organization of American States to withhold any decision on Kosovo’s independence until after the ICJ delivers its ruling. “I’d like to emphasize that it’s important for the court proceedings to pass off without political interference, and I would ask to you to show restraint when it comes to the question of Kosovo while the International Court of Justice (ICJ) considers this exceptionally important issue,” the Serbian media quote Jeremic.
This is a very hypocritical considering the earlier statement by Foreign Minister Jeremic in April. In an interview published by Belgrade’s daily “Blic” Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic just five weeks ago said: “The Belgrade government will not recognize Kosovo, at any cost, even in the event that the decision of the International Court of Justice goes in favor of Pristina”.
When one analysis both statements can easily see the false substance of Minister Jeremic’s given to the OAS countries. How can some who himself has no intention of respecting the decision of the ICJ can call upon others to make their decisions or suspend their decisions based on the ICJ process. This is not right from a moral, legal and political point of view.
One should dare and say that only the statements of Minister Jeremic are enough to demonstrate that the entire case in the ICJ is political and not legal as Jermic and Serbia claim.

Peaceful Serbia?

“Serbia had decided to respond to the “ethnically-motivated attempt at secession through peaceful means and international engagement”, Jeremic told the OAS countries.
This again is a false statement. Jeremic acts like Kosovo is not a part of Serbia only since 17 February 2008 deliberately trying to create an impression of a clean cut secessionist case. Kosovo is not a part of Serbia since June 10 1999 as a result of a bloody systematic military campaign of Serbia against Kosovo civilians. Jeremic has no peace in his mind but just lacks enough of strength. If it had enough strength Serbia would do again what they did several times in Kosovo history in the last 100 years.

Kosovo’s alleged implication on the world order!

The minister said that the court’s ruling would have implications for the entire international community, as many similar situations existed around the world.
Again a very false statement and is quite insulting how Serbia tries to portray itself as one of many other countries even though these other countries (Spain, Slovakia, Romania, India, etc) did not engage in systematic ethnic cleansing, barbarous acts against civilians, imposed apartheid and other state repression. Kosovo has no implications anywhere else in the world and the time that has passed since 17 February 2008 has demonstrated that. None of the countries that have recognized Kosovo, some of them with serious minority issues, have not had any instability or anything similar to occur as a side effect for recognizing Kosovo’s independence.

Jeremic?s false claims over Kosovo in the OAS