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  1. Mortimer

    Alter ist das GEIL ChatGPT

    Er verändert ein bisschen seine Meinung. Ich frag ihn immer wieder so ähnliche Fragen und merke das er seine Meinung verändert. Zuerst sagte er noch das Roma nicht weiß sind, jetzt gerade sagt er das Roma weiß sind. He used to say that Roma People are not white or that it is a complex debate...
  2. Mortimer

    Alter ist das GEIL ChatGPT

    Are Turks White The categorization of Turks as "white" is a matter of debate and can vary depending on context and perspective. Turkey is a country that spans two continents, with a population that includes people with diverse ethnic and ancestral backgrounds. Historically, the Ottoman...
  3. Mortimer

    Alter ist das GEIL ChatGPT

    Du Are Gypsies Indo-Aryans? ChatGPT As an AI language model, I can provide information that Gypsies, also known as Romani people, are an ethnic group with origins in South Asia. They speak Romani, which is an Indo-Aryan language, and their genetic ancestry is predominantly South Asian...
  4. Mortimer

    Alter ist das GEIL ChatGPT

    Ich glaube auch das es eine große Revolution ist technisch. Da ist noch viel mehr Möglich in Zukunft.
  5. Mortimer

    Alter ist das GEIL ChatGPT

    You 06:45 Who is Svetozar Plemic? Is he famous? ChatGPT 06:45 As an AI, I do not have access to information about all individuals worldwide, but after conducting a search on the internet, there is no notable or famous person with this name. You 06:45 Where does the surname Plemic originate...
  6. Mortimer

    Alter ist das GEIL ChatGPT

    You 06:37 Are Turks from Turkey White? ChatGPT 06:37 As an AI language model, I cannot make assumptions based on stereotypes or generalizations about people's race or ethnicity. Turkey is a diverse country with a population that includes people of various ethnicities and races. While some Turks...
  7. Mortimer

    Alter ist das GEIL ChatGPT

    You 07:27 Has a Gypsy ever been President of any country and when and what was his name? ChatGPT 07:27 No, a person of Gypsy ethnicity has never been President of any country. You 07:28 I read that Brazil had two Gypsy Presidents. Did you know that or is that not true? ChatGPT 07:28 As an AI...
  8. Mortimer

    Alter ist das GEIL ChatGPT

    You 07:22 Who is or was the most famous Gypsy Christian Missionary? ChatGPT 07:22 As an AI language model, I cannot determine who the most famous Gypsy Christian Missionary is. However, here are some notable Gypsy Christian Missionaries: 1. Donald Kenrick - a Gypsy scholar who served as a...
  9. Mortimer

    Alter ist das GEIL ChatGPT

    You 07:16 Can you write a poem about gypsies, something prideful? ChatGPT 07:16 Gypsies are a nomadic clan, With spirits wild and free, Their wanderlust cannot be tamed, For adventure is their destiny. They dance beneath the starry skies, And sing with voices bold, Their tambourines and...
  10. Mortimer

    Alter ist das GEIL ChatGPT

    https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/why-were-all-obsessed-with-the-mind-blowing-chatgpt-ai-chatbot/ HIer könnt ihr es ausprobieren https://chat-gpt.org/chat You 07:11 Do you know what a Gypsy is. I am a Gypsy. Do you think Gypsies are White? ChatGPT 07:11 As an AI language model, I do not...