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İstanbul Şarkıları





Üsküdar'a gideriken/ Kâtibim

“Üsküdara Gider Iken” (While Going to Üsküdar), is a very famous Turkish song, also known as “Kâtibim” (My Secretary). It was composed by Muzaffer Sarısözen (1899-1963) and Nuri Halil Poyraz (1885-1950).

Als ich nach Üsküdar (ein Stadtteil von Istanbul) ging, begann ein Regen.
Die Jacke meines Geliebten (eigentlich der Schreiber, ein höherer Beamter) ist lang, sein Jackensaum schmutzig.

Der Geliebte ist grade aufgewacht, seine Augen sind verschlafen.
Der Geliebte ist mein, ich bin sein, was geht das die Fremden an?
Wie gut steht das gestärkte Hemd meinem Geliebten!

Auf dem Weg nach Üsküdar fand ich ein Taschentuch.
Das Taschentuch füllte ich mit Lokum (eine türkische Süßigkeit).

Ich war auf der Suche nach meinem Geliebten, fand ihn neben mir.
Der Geliebte ist mein...

Üsküdar'a gider iken (Katibim) - YouTube

Kadifeden Kesesi

From the velvet pouch
The voice comes from the coffee house
He sits down and gambles
Ah, my lungs, ah, a part of my lungs*
* it means he/she loves her/him very much, it's a term of endearment.

Aman send him to Beyoğlu (ein Stadtteil von Istanbul), send him
Let's send him to Istanbul, send him
Send him dear, send him

I don't have a velvet head pillow
I don't set food to your room
I swear on the holly book
I have no other love but you

Ala Turka-kadifeden kesesi - YouTube

Kız sen İstanbul'un neresindensin? (Girl, which part of Istanbul you are from?)

The way you pose reminds noble ancestry
Are you from Hisar, from Kuruçeşme, from Sahil boyu?
Are you from Arnavutköy or from Ortaköy?
Girl, which part of Istanbul you are from?

I don't know if you are promised, or you are engaged
Whether your darling is old or young From Emirgan, Bebek or Aşiyan?
Girl, which part of Istanbul you are from?

Is it the wind of love that blows on your head?
Is it the flood of love that pours from your eyes?
Is it Sariyer, is it Tarabya or İstinye?
Girl, which part of Istanbul you are from?

Is your ancestry from this district, or from somewhere else?
Is it your temper to get angry with your lover?
Are you from Yeşilköy, from Florya or from Bakırköy?
Girl, which part of Istanbul you are from?

Is your smile fake, or is it from the heart?
Are you from the dusty road in Bağlarbaşı?
re you from Erenköy, or from Kadıköy, or from Üsküdar?
Girl, which part of Istanbul you are from?

Is your mercy made of spring or of winter?
Is it made of your sweet cheeks, or of your frowned eyebrows?
Are you from Esentepe, from Yıldız, or from Beşiktaş?
Girl, which part of Istanbul you are from?

Emel Say
Istanbul sokaklari sprich die Strassen Istanbuls finde ich klasse.Ich liebe Türkische Kunstmusik und Volksmusik und Arabesk Fantazi.Kennt ihr Hüner Coskuner? Meiner Meinung nach unübertrieben die Beste Sängerin der Welt.Zieht euch mal dieses lied und diese Solistin rein:

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