2 + 2= 5
Heute vor 69 Jahren (1941), begann in Mazedonien der Aufstand gegen die faschistischen Okkupatoren, der Nationale Befreiungskrieg. Als die Faschisten 1944 abzogen, wurde von dem antifaschistischen Rat der Volksbefreiung Mazedoniens (ASNOM) die Volksrepublik Mazedonien (Später Sozialistische Republik Mazedonien) ins leben gerufen und war ein Meilenstein im Kampf für die Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit.
An diesem Tag wird an all die Opfer gedenkt die gebracht wurden um dies zu erreichen, der selbständigen Befreiung gegen die Faschisten.
Mögen die Veteranen und die gefallenen nie vergessen werden, mögen sie in frieden in ruhen und möge der Faschismus nie wieder Fuss fassen.
An diesem Tag wird an all die Opfer gedenkt die gebracht wurden um dies zu erreichen, der selbständigen Befreiung gegen die Faschisten.
Macedonia marks Revolution Day
Skopje, 11 October 2010 (MIA) - A number of state and party delegations, as well as World War II veterans laid Monday flowers at the Partisan Cemetery and the grave of General Staff Commander Mihajlo Apostolski on occasion of 11 October-Revolution Day.
Vice Premier Vasko Naumovski stressed days like October 11 remind people on the victims for Macedonia's freedom.
"Today we remember what has been sacrificed so that we live in a free country, as well as the testament left by our ancestors to preserve Macedonia's freedom", said Naumovski.
Parliament Vice-Speaker Jani Makraduli stated the 1941-1945 actions should be respected.
"Many people, heroes gave their lives for independent Macedonia, and I believe the Government should arrange a more concrete celebration of this holiday", added Makraduli.
VMRO-DPMNE MP Vlatko Gjorcev said, "Macedonia was on the right side in World War II, with more than 20,000 victims and enormous suffering. The 100,000-strong Macedonian army at the end of the war was the best guarantee of the country's statehood".
The Republic of Macedonia marks Monday the 69th anniversary since the beginning of Anti-Fascist Uprising and the National Liberation Struggle.
The Macedonian people responded to the fascist occupation by organizing an insurrection. At that time, the first sabotage units were created in Kumanovo and Prilep, with their operations starting on October 11, marking the beginning of the Macedonian people's uprising.
In the course of 1942, the partisan movement was also in ascent. Nine detachments were founded acting on a large territory.
During the winter and the spring of 1944, the Macedonian Army took important military operations (the February March, the Spring Offensive), causing enormous damages to the Bulgarian occupier.
The network of government bodies in Macedonia was spread during 1944, over 800 in number. The preparations for convocation of Anti-Fascist Assembly of Macedonia's National Liberation (ASNOM) were taken by the General Staff and the Initiative Board.
Thus, by the end of the war, the Macedonian National Liberation Army numbered over 56,000 soldiers, with approximately 25,000 victims in this part of Macedonia.
The liberation of Macedonia by its own forces was an outstanding military and political accomplishment of the Macedonian people, and at the same time was a significant contribution by a small people to the anti-fascist struggle in the Balkans and Europe.
In the past 18 years, along with the overcoming of the 2001 conflict and the Framework Agreement that emerged from it, Macedonia, which is full-fledged member of the United Nations, now walks on the road to Euro-Atlantic integration.
On occasion of the holiday, October 11 Award for outstanding achievements in the fields of science, art, economy and other areas of public interest were presented at the Macedonian Parliament. This year's award recipient is Rade Siljan, poet, literary critic and essayist. The life achievement in the field of education was presented to pedagogue Gligor Trencevski, whereas the science award was given to Serafim Tomovski, accountant in financial investments and development.
A formal academy will be held in the Skopje-based Army Hall on Monday evening, with flowers laid at Skopje and Prilep monuments and cemeteries throughout the day.
Delegation led by Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski, also including Minister of Education and Science Nikola Todorov and Minister of Information Society Ivo Ivanovski laid flowers at monument of Metodija Andonov-Cento and Park of Revolution in Prilep. ik/fd/14:57
Mögen die Veteranen und die gefallenen nie vergessen werden, mögen sie in frieden in ruhen und möge der Faschismus nie wieder Fuss fassen.