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50% aller Albanischen Autos sind gestohlen


Dem damalige Innenminister Spartak Poci, wurde Anfang 1999 in Griechenland der gestohlene Mercedes beschlagnahmt.

Es gibt eine Armada, von Auto Fälschern in Albanien. Wie unten steht, wurde auch dem Präsidenten der Zentral Bank von Albanien, das gestohlene Auto in Italien 1997 beschlagnahmt.

Stolen cars block car dealers’ market
In Albania, about 280 thousand cars in circulation, out of which 95 per cent result to be purchased in the black market and just five per cent through authorised car dealers. But lately, the number of cars purchased in the black market has sensibly decreased. According to sources from the customs, the number of cars from the black market has decreased by 40 per cent as compared to the same period of time of last year. Meanwhile, according to car traders of the black market, the rise of custom duties for imported cars has caused a sensible rise of cars price in this market.So, during a visit in one of these markets, in Durres, we noticed that car prices are almost doubled. According to a car trader, E.A. car prices have increased due to custom duties rise. “If one wants to buy a car without paid duties, its price will be same it was before January,” the trader said.

Car-Trafficking in Albania
In December last year two foreign prosecutors, one of them German and the other Swiss, came to Albania to investigate the trafficking of luxurious cars that after being stolen in Germany and Switzerland would be passed on to Albania.They wanted to know whether Albania had turned into a final destination or a transit point for car trafficking. The two foreign prosecutors contacted their Albanian counterparts that have been investigating the phenomenon for years yet, unable to paralyse it. It must not have been difficult for them to find an answer. Suffice to walk along the ruined roads of Albania to see the myriad of cars, even the latest series that circulate around them. To their latest owners, a luxurious car that in Western European countries costs 40-50 thousand dollars, costs 5-8 times less. The only common “problem” for the majority of the cars moving across streets of Albania is that they are stolen. Police figures point out the balance between stolen and regular cars is equal. Since several years, Albanians are engaged in trafficking stolen cars. That led to astonishing increase of the number of cars moving across the streets of this poor country, whose citizens own more Mercedes than Germany on a per capita basis. The cars stolen in the western European countries are sold with very cheap prices, varying from three thousand dollars for a modest car to fifteen thousand dollars for 44-wheel drive cars. But, there is a problem with these cars. You cannot drive them out of the country, while inside the country, it is established and strengthened an entire army of highly sophisticated forgers that could turn a stolen car into a regular one. These cars win full Albanian citizenship and are even used without (knowledge) by government officials. It occurred that victims of this traffic have fallen even high ranking state officials, as it was the case of the arrest by Italian police forces of Governor of the Albanian Central Bank in 1997, while was driving a car purchased in Albania which resulted to have been stolen in Italy. Car-Trafficking in Albania
In December last year two foreign prosecutors, one of them German and the other Swiss, came to Albania to investigate the trafficking of luxurious cars that after being stolen in Germany and Switzerland would be passed on to Albania.They wanted to know whether Albania had turned into a final destination or a transit point for car trafficking. The two foreign prosecutors contacted their Albanian counterparts that have been investigating the phenomenon for years yet, unable to paralyse it. It must not have been difficult for them to find an answer. Suffice to walk along the ruined roads of Albania to see the myriad of cars, even the latest series that circulate around them. To their latest owners, a luxurious car that in Western European countries costs 40-50 thousand dollars, costs 5-8 times less. The only common “problem” for the majority of the cars moving across streets of Albania is that they are stolen. Police figures point out the balance between stolen and regular cars is equal. Since several years, Albanians are engaged in trafficking stolen cars. That led to astonishing increase of the number of cars moving across the streets of this poor country, whose citizens own more Mercedes than Germany on a per capita basis. The cars stolen in the western European countries are sold with very cheap prices, varying from three thousand dollars for a modest car to fifteen thousand dollars for 44-wheel drive cars. But, there is a problem with these cars. You cannot drive them out of the country, while inside the country, it is established and strengthened an entire army of highly sophisticated forgers that could turn a stolen car into a regular one. These cars win full Albanian citizenship and are even used without (knowledge) by government officials. It occurred that victims of this traffic have fallen even high ranking state officials, as it was the case of the arrest by Italian police forces of Governor of the Albanian Central Bank in 1997, while was driving a car purchased in Albania which resulted to have been stolen in Italy.


PS: Die Angaben stimmen nicht, denn es bezieht sich max. auf neuwertige Luxus Autos. Die älteren Modelle, sind eigentlich nie gestohlen.

Fahrzeug von Fatosi Mafiosi, dem langjährigen Ober Boss, aller Drogen- und Menschenhändler. Partner Deutscher Politiker und anderer dubiosen Geheimdienste wie dem Griechischen GEheimdienst.

Bekannt auch als Fatos Nano, der "Säufer und Spieler"

albaner schrieb:
in albanien sagen die : wenn du kein benz hast , hast du kein auto :lol:

Und deshalb fahre ich nie mit teuren Autos nach Albanien und habe nie Probleme.

ABer so sieht das dann live aus. Ist übrigens ein Haus und Fahrzeuge von einem sehr bekannten aktuellen Minister in Albanien. Das Haus ist ebenso auf geklauten Grundstück gebaut.

lupo-de-mare schrieb:
albaner schrieb:
in albanien sagen die : wenn du kein benz hast , hast du kein auto :lol:

Und deshalb fahre ich nie mit teuren Autos nach Albanien und habe nie Probleme.

ABer so sieht das dann live aus. Ist übrigens ein Haus und Fahrzeuge von einem sehr bekannten aktuellen Minister in Albanien. Das Haus ist ebenso auf geklauten Grundstück gebaut.


woooooow! einfach hammer ey ich bin auch albaner also hab ich alle vorraussetzungen um ein mafiozi zu sein hihi dann kann ich auch sone autos haben
In Italien sieht es ähnlich aus. Jedoch klauen sie sich die Autos untereinander. (Größtenteils in Sizilien)
Der Albaner-Anteil in Italien ist rech bescheiden. :mrgreen:
