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500 Turkmenische Frauen von ISIS entführt und vergewaltigt


Hallo erstmal an alle im BF ve Türk Kardaslerime. Ich selber bin Turkmene daher geht dieser Bericht mir sehr ans Herz. Die Welt sollte mehr über unser Leid erfahren.

Im Irak sind die meisten Turkmenen Schiiten und daher das Ziel von ISIS terroristen. Laut offiziellen Zahlen wurden bisher 500 Turkmenische Frauen und Mädchen von der ISIS im Irak entführt und vergewaltigt, das sind nur die offiziellen Zahlen die dunkelziffer ist viel höher und vielleicht sogar in den tausenden.

Die meisten wurden in der Turkmenischen Stadt Tal Afar gefangen was die ISIS am anfang ihrer offensive eroberte und damit hunderttausende Turkmenen vertrieben hatte.
500 Turkmen Women and Children Kidnaped by Islamic State

So far about 500 Turkmen women and children from the Iraqi disputed regions has been kidnapped by the Islamic State militant in northern Iraq, according to the head of Turkmen women’s Association.

Himan Ramzi, the head of Turkmen women’s Association exclusively told BasNews that about 500 Turkmen women and children has been kidnapped by the IS militants from Tel Afar and Mosul and criticizes the Iraqi, Turkmen and Kurdish authorities of not doing anything to rescue them.

“After the Islamic State militants attacked the Turkmen towns and villages near Mosul, they kidnapped hundreds of Turkmen women and children and currently about 500 Turkmen women and children are held by the extremists group,” said Ramzi from Iraqi Kurdistan Capital Erbil.

She said out of that number 120 of them are children and the rest are women. “The militants has told those women to call their families to come and bring them back, but the families won’t go,” added the head of Turkmen women’s Association.

She also reveals that the militants have raped some of the women and 25 of them were raped in front of their relatives in a Turkmen village near Mosul and then tied to electricity poles and tortured. She also said that Turkmen officials have not anything to try and free those women and children.

Since the start of June, when Islamic State militant attacked Mosul and took over the city and all the towns and villages near Mosul, the Jihadi group has kidnapped hundreds of Yazidi, Christians and Turkmen women and children in those areas.

Iraq Solidarity News (Al-Thawra): 500 Turkmen Women and Children Kidnaped by Islamic State
Da werden Völker ausgerottet im Sinne der Destabilisierung des Nahen Ostens, um tausende von Kleinstaaten dort zu schaffen, um damit eine Macht dort zu verhindern, siehe Syrien, das ist jetzt vollständig aufgeteilt. Einfach traurig das man den Mensch nicht Mensch sein lassen will.