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Albanien: Das Volk rebelliert gegen die Mafia Politiker


Diese Website von newalbaniangeneration, ist zumindest ganz ok (sollte man meinen :oops: siehe unten meinen Kommentar :oops: und es wird zum Sturz von Fatos Nano aufgerufen. Entscheidend ist aber, das diese Website sogar von der Universtitäts Quelle in Amerika, als seriös eingestuft wird.

In der langen Erklärung mit vielen amtlichen Dokumenten und Report, werden diese Verbrecher Politiker und ihre Tätigkeiten genau beschrieben.

Das geht über den Drogen- und Menschenhandel der Politiker, ziemlich genau in viele Details, wie sie das Albanische Volk und ihre Radikalen Helfer terrorisieren und ausbluten lassen.

New Your City July 10,2004
On the Web: www.newalbaniangeneration.com

The situation is dramatically deteriorating under the current socialist rule
and its corrupted leader Prime Minster of Albania, Fatos Nano.

E-mail: Info@newalbaniangeneration.com
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find attached a Circular issued by the New Albanian Generation, an
Association established in the United States gathering Albanians all over the
The New Albanian Generation is very much concerned about the future of

The situation is dramatically deteriorating under the current socialist rule
and its corrupted leader Prime Minster of Albania, Fatos Nano.

On July 20, 2004, a Congressional Hearing organized by the Human Rights
Committee of the Congress is going to take place at the Capitol Hill.
We need your help to convince the US Administration that the Albanian Nation
is a faithful friend of the United States. However, it needs changes. Our
nation doesn’t deserve to be enslaved by a group of former communists who are now
illegitimately in power, involved to every sort of corruption, trafficking,
smuggling, mafia, and violation of votes and media.
Please help us to make Albania a democratic, developed, normal, livable,
stable, and prosperous and safe country, and please help us to make it NOW!

Thanks for your cooperation on this matter.

.Board of the New Albanian Generation

The New Albanian Generation (NAG)*

New Your City
July 10,2004

On the Web: www.newalbaniangeneration.com
E-mail: Info@newalbaniangeneration.com

C i r c u l a t i o n

To Whom It May Concern:


Albania is in a deep political, economical and social crisis. This, if not
cured as a matter of urgency, may bring about negative consequences for peace,
stability and the future of Albania and its own people. This crisis will delay
the Euro-Atlantic integration of the country.
The origin of this crisis may be found in:

- The lack of proper functioning of democracy, in particular the repeated
failure to organize and hold free and fair elections
- The lack of political will of the government to proceed with reforms.
- Very powerful organized crime and high level of corruption combined with
the lack of political will to fight corruption, nepotism and organized crime.
There has been no single case when a functionary has been brought to Albanian
justice on any charge.
- The judiciary is far from being independent. It is largely controlled by
the government, which has rendered its performance totally inefficient, thereby
creating a lack of public trust in it and its failure to administer justice at
the required standards. Widespread corruption is another plague of the
- The economic situation is deplorable due not only to lack of proper
economic reforms but also due to government and its functionaries illegally
controlling and monopolizing a number of key sectors. Corruption is suffocating it all.
- Exclusion of the parliament, in particular of the opposition, from the
integration processes.


Albania is the only country in the region that does not hold free and fair
elections. According to all international reports, Albania has not held free and
fair elections in the seven years that the socialists have been in power. The
report of the international observers related to the 1st October 2000 local
elections states that the CEC, at that time headed by Fotaq Nano first cousin
of Mr. Fatos Nano, current PM, “failed to address inaccuracies in the voters’
lists, invalid ballots and election complaints�. (www.coe.int/t/e/clrae). It
concludes that the elections did not fulfill international standards for free
and fair elections

In the parliamentary elections that took place in June-August 2001, Mr. Fatos
Nano “invented� the so-called “independent candidates with SP support� and
the use of SP-votes in the respective constituencies in order to falsely gain
seats from the multi-name list of the SP. Obliged by the strong pressure of
the international community to put aside this deceitful mechanism, Mr. Nano
created the infamous case of constituency No.60, by which he prefabricated nine
members of parliament with only seven thousand votes that were cast in this
constituency, thus taking away eight seats from the opposition. The 2001 ODIHR
report on the general elections concludes, "Serious and growing violations forced
the Mission to change its overall assessment of this election" and "its
shortcomings were not due to technicalities�
(www.osce.org/documents/odihr/2001/10/1170_en.pdf). Following this, the European Parliament, in a
unanimously-approved resolution, made the opening of negotiations on a SAA with Albania
conditional on the election of a consensual president and the election

In order to ensure free and fair elections, the opposition, as well as the
socialist party and others, engaged themselves in a hard two years' work, with
the assistance of the OSCE in Tirana, to prepare and adopt the new Election
Code on a consensual basis. Immediately after the Election Code was passed
consensually, however, the government maneuvered the Central Election Commission
(CEC) again and manipulated the ratios, from the 4:3 ratios as envisioned by the
Election Code into a 5:2 ratio in favor of the government, as it was before.
The Prime Minister froze campaign funds for the opposition parties until to the
last week of the election campaign, while making use of all government
facilities for his own party. On 12 October, Election Day, tens of thousands of
residents from Tirana, Durres, Shkoder, and other cities were barred from voting,
as they could not find their names on voters' lists. It has been officially
acknowledged that a total of 120,000, that is, ten percent of the voters, had
their names misplaced in the lists. The voter lists have become a mess, creating
enormous problems, which, if not addressed with top urgency, are going to
create a deja vue situation in the next elections. The international observers
have already warned about this very serious situation, which the government is
not prepared to address. Ultimately, the final ODIHR report says that local
elections did not meet OSCE and international standards for free elections.
(www.osce.org/documents/odihr/2004/02/2172_en.pdf). The Parliamentary Assembly of
the Council of Europe approved a resolution last April whereby it warned
Albania of the danger of losing its membership in the CE if the forthcoming
parliamentary election is not fair and free.
(http://assembly.coe.int/Main.asp?li...e.int/Documents/AdoptedText/ta04/FRES1377.htm ).
High-ranking officials of the State Department have declared that the
forthcoming election is the last test for Albania and will be a decisive condition
for its membership in NATO. The representatives of the EU Commission in Tirana
and Brussels have demanded a balanced CEC and correct voters' lists and
assessed the next election as a trial and precondition for Albania signing the
Stabilization and Association Agreement and the integration of the country into the

Economic Situation

Some 46 percent of the Albanians live below the poverty line. Unemployment
stands at 38
percent,www.delalb.cec.eu.int/en/documents_march_2004/Country_report_Albanie_04_03_29_Final.pdf); in some cities, such as Shkoder, it is over 60
percent. According to the Bank of Albania, 196,000 jobs have disappeared in
the last four years alone. Private and government officials dominate the market
- ministers and senior officials are in possession of dozens of customs
storehouses exempted from all customs taxes or controls. (The opposition proposed in
the Assembly a draft on putting all customs storehouses under customs
control. The draft was rejected by the ruling majority.) From 1998 to date, foreign
investments in Albania are the lowest in the region. Actually, they make up $35
per inhabitant compared Macedonia's $ 68 per inhabitant. See, “The Western
Balkans in transition� no 5 ISSN 1725-3209,
(http://europa.eu.int/comm/economy_finance ). Public investments are only at 67 percent target level. Thousands of
foreign investors have left Albania because of corruption, organized crime
and power shortages. One hundred thousand Albanians leave their country every

Corruption and Organized Crime

According to Transparency International, Albania is among the most corrupt
countries in the world, (www.transparency.org/cpi/2003/cpi2003.en.html) The
struggle against corruption is fictitious. According to the IMF, with the same
taxation level as Croatia's, in GDP percentage Albania collects one third (1/3)
of Croatia's taxes (“Albania’s Informal Economy� Jan-Peter Olters, IMF
Resident Representative.).

Corruption is directly linked with the highest structures of government. Two
years ago the Prime Minister declared that he and the members of his family
were in possession of a property that didn’t exceed a value of $3.000, in total.
Now it comes out that his spouse owned a land transportation company with
Greece (Xhoi Travel), an air transport company with helicopters (Albkopter), a
naval transport company, electronic media outlets, and others.
Within the space of two years, six customs general directors have been
replaced; one of them had been sentenced for cigarette smuggling before his
appointment. The fight against corruption in Albania is but a fake, a look-alike. Two
newly appointed ministers had been accused by the PM of being involved in
dozens of corruption affairs only two years ago, and because of that the Meta
government was toppled. In the seven years of Socialist governance none of its
officials has been deprived of his immunity or sentenced and punished for
corruption. Six months ago the opposition tabled a draft on the collective lifting of
immunity over corruption affairs, but the ruling majority rejected it. The
State Department has declared that because of the high level of corruption,
Albania was not accorded a millennium challenge account.
Organized crime, which is linked to the highest echelons in the government,
decides everything in the streets, at the Assembly, in the government and in
the courts. Europol has recently termed organized crime as the most dangerous
crime to the EU. Albania is the main source and the main transit point for
criminal trafficking. According to UNICEF, a total of 6,000 children a year are
trafficked from Albania. About 70 percent of the drugs produced in Afghanistan is
shipped to the West via Albania. Foreign agencies have denounced the
existence of its strong links with Colombia. According to the UN Anti Drug Department,
Albania holds first place in the production of marijuana
(www.unodc.org/unodc/world_drug_report.html ) and the country is the main route for the
trafficking in heroin and cocaine. The narcotics income in Albania is over $2 billion.
Within the space of seven years no senior official has been condemned for
trafficking, although everybody knows that the government and other senior
officials are drug barons.
Rule of law is not established in Albania. The index of the rule of law is
0.17 against 0.60 in Mongolia and 0.34 in Burkina Faso
(www.cgdev.org/docs/MCAdataMrr04forWeb.xls ). Institutions are paralyzed by rampant corruption and the
concentration of all powers in the prime minister's hands. The justice system
is almost entirely blocked by corruption and political pressure. The law
simply does not exist for government and other senior officials. More than half of
court rulings are not executed. The reform of justice is at a standstill.
In contravention to the provisions of the Constitution on the Assembly, the
opposition is not allowed to set up parliamentary investigative commissions
into affairs that are directly linked to the prime minister. Prime Minister Nano
and his deputies have prevented the setting up of a parliamentary commission
to investigate a road accident of 5 February 2001 which resulted in the death
of a citizen, an accident in which the prime minister himself was involved. We
add here that, due to political pressure, the Prosecution has carried out no
investigation into the death of said citizen.
The government did not permit an assembly commission to be established to
investigate the 9 January tragedy in which twenty-one Albanians lost their lives.
The independent media and other sources proved that their failed journey to
Italy was organized by a group of government officials, a number of policemen
closest to Nano who did not cancel his vacations when the tragedy took place.


In Albania the freedom of the media is jeopardized. In the past few months,
Prime Minister Nano has personally filed a number of civil and criminal
lawsuits against independent journalists because they have denounced the smuggling of
helicopters for the company of Lady Nano, the recurrent instances of shipping
of drugs via the bus line owned by Lady Nano, the deceptions by Prime
Minister regarding the origin of his armored Mercedes Benz alleging that it was a
gift to him and the location the price of his apartment. Thus in June, on the
basis of the charge carried by Fatos Nano, the Tirana First Instance Court fined
the independent journalist Nikolle Lesi about $20,000 (equal to approximately
100 monthly payments in Albania) only because Lesi had published in his
newspaper, Koha Jone, a decision of the government by which Mr. Nano remunerated
himself with six months’ salary, depicting it as a corruptive practice. Then Nano
asked the Prosecutor General to lift the immunity of Mr. Lesi and institute
criminal procedures against him for libel and defamation through use of his
official powers. Following the refusal by the Prosecutor, Mrs. Nano sent a
request with her signature to the Supreme Court in the country. The Council of
Europe and the International Federation of Journalists, Article XIX have strongly
protested such acts of
persecution.(http://www.ifj.org/default.asp?index=2510&Language=EN); http://www.article19.org/docimages/1775.doc ).**

Conclusion – Appeal

As inevitable consequence of the abovementioned transgression of the current
Socialist Party's government of Albania, the country is day after day
declining to an unprecedented regress. The only alternative to prevent such an abyss
is to impose all possible means to the Albanian current government and make it
accountable to the respect of the human rights, free and fair elections as
well as cut any of its links with the corruption and regional mafia. The
degradation of the situations, including another fraudulent electoral process may very
easily push Albanians to a civil riot and a wide social conflict that would
have high costs not only for Albanians but for the International Community as
We, the young Albanians, gathered in The New Albanian Generation, Albanians
living in Albania and abroad but mostly in the United States would urge all the
decision-makers in the United States, members of Senate and the US Congress,
State Department and the White House to consider this circular as a very
serious call from one of the most active, energetic and the most concerned segment of the Albanian population.
This is the last moment when we, altogether, can do something to pull Albania out of the hands of mafiosi groups, corrupt leadership, human rights violators, oppressors of the freedom of speech, freedom of movement; authors of the new isolation of the country as well as the manipulators of the free market
which is: The current Government of Albania.
Albania is considered very generously a close friend of the United States.
Does the United States want a friend like this? We don't want our country to be labeled as the most corrupted country, the poorest of the poor countries; center of the trafficking of drugs and human beings. We cannot bear anymore to see our country being ruled by governments that come into power through illegitimate and fraudulent electoral process.

Please help us to make Albania a democratic, developed, normal, livable,
stable, and prosperous and safe country!

The Board of The New Albanian Generation Association.

New York, July 2004
European Parliament www.coe.int/t/e/clrae
www2.europarl.eu.int/omk/sipade2?PUBREF=//EP//TEXT+PRESS+NR-20020416 ODIHR
www.osce.org/documents/odihr/2004/02/2172_en.pdf The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
2Fta04%2FFRES1377.htm Transparency International
www.transparency.org/cpi/2003/cpi2003.en.html UN Anti drug Department, Albania holds first place in the
production of marijuana www.unodc.org/unodc/world_drug_report.html Rule of law
is not established in Albania. The index of the rule of law is 0.17 against
0.60 in Mongolia and 0.34 in Burkina Faso
www.cgdev.org/docs/MCAdataMrr04forWeb.xls The Council of Europe and the International Federation of Journalists,
Article XIX have strongly protested such acts of persecution.

:? :?
http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0407d&L=albanews&F=&S=&P=751 :? :?

siehe in Albanisch


:idea: :roll: :idea:

siehe links und Autoren:

die Website http://www.newalbaniangeneration.com/raporti.html, ist eine reine Faschistische Mafia Seite der Amerikanischen - Albanischen Mafia innerhalb der US Top Mafia dem Gambino Clan.

Grundlage ist hierzu, ein neues Auftreten und Image, als die Mord Faschisten Seiten des www.aacl.com und www.naac.org geoutet wurden und das FBI ebenso die Verbindung darstellte.

www.aacl.com und www.naac.org, werden als eine der Haupt Unterstützer genannt.

Kurz gesagt: Diese Mafia Top Gruppierung, will wie im Kosovo die Macht übernehmen von den derzeitigen kriminellen Politikern in Albanien.