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Albanien halbiert die Klein Busines Steuern


einer der wichtigsten Schritte hat die neue REgierung vollzogen.

Sie halbiert die abnormal hohe Vorsteuer auf nun 10%.

Es war eine falsche Beratung der Weltbank, welche nun durch Ridvan Bode und Salah korrigiert wird.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Political Ambassadors to Go, Professionals to Stay

The new Democrat Foreign Minister, Besnik Mustafaj, gave on Tuesday the first signal for replacing some of the Albanian Ambassadors, being cautious of abiding by the law on diplomatic service By Rudina Hoxha, Staff WriterTIRANA – Minister of Foreign Affairs Besnik Mustafaj declared on Tuesday that some of the Ambassadors of Albania accredited abroad have to leave their posts, without mentioning any of them. More...

EU Willing to Speed Up Talks With Albania

The Head of European Delegation to Tirana, Lutz Salzmann, declared on Monday that the political will of the government is essential to treat problems relating to the SAA.TIRANA -The European Union (EU) will speed up the end of negotiations with Albania on the Stabilization and Association Agreement. This has been expressed by the head of the Delegation of the European Committee to Tirana, Lutz Salzmann in a meeting with the Albanian Foreign Minister, Besnik Mustafaj on Monday


Es geht voran!

Die meisten Mafia Botschafter und Drogen Bosse, welche als Botschafter agierten, werden abberufen von der neuen Albanischen REgierung.

Z.B. Arthur Kuco, Tarifa etc..

Political Ambassadors to Go, Professionals to Stay

The new Democrat Foreign Minister, Besnik Mustafaj, gave on Tuesday the first signal for replacing some of the Albanian Ambassadors, being cautious of abiding by the law on diplomatic service By Rudina Hoxha, Staff WriterTIRANA – Minister of Foreign Affairs Besnik Mustafaj declared on Tuesday that some of the Ambassadors of Albania accredited abroad have to leave their posts, without mentioning any of them

Auf allen Ebenen, nun Grünes Licht und nach System Lupo geht es nun vorwärts, was hier schon sehr früh vorhergesagt wurde.