Albania in chair of the Inter-academic Union
07 November 2005
The chairmanship of the Inter-Academy Union will bring about new reforms in the Academy of Sciences
Last Thursday, Montenegro transferred the presidency of the SEE Inter-Academic Union to Albania. The Albanian Academy of Sciences was represented in the meeting by its Chairman prof. Ylli Popa and three Vice Chairmen, prof.dr. Faraudin Hoxha, prof.dr. Eduard Sulstarova, and prof.dr. Luan Omari.
Ein Projekt direkt von Romano Prodi installiert mit der Zukunfts Forschung für den Balkan. Der Sitz des Institutes wurden nun von Montenegro planmässig nach Albanien verlegt, nachdem Albanien erhebliche Fortschritte mit der neuen REgierung gemacht hat.
This SEE Inter-Academy Union was established in November 2001, on the initiative of Romano Prody, back then the President of the European Commission. The presidency could bring more funds to the Albanian Academy of Sciences, having in mind that the IAU enjoys direct Brussels’ support, both in terms of finances and international policies.
"The aim of the union is to increase the interacademic collaboration of the participant countries. The Academies of Science of Albania, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Croatia, Greece, Kosova, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey are all members of this initiative", Prof. Eduard Sulstarova said.
Regarding the reforms in the Academy of Science, Sulstarova said the the " is not done like before, on the basis of plans but on bases of projects financed by the budget that is given to the Academy by the Pairlament. Also it is financed by the programs "Search and Development", financed by Brussels and those of the "Stability Pact".
Author: Dritan Ziu
Source: One World South East Europe
Albania in chair of the Inter-academic Union
07 November 2005
The chairmanship of the Inter-Academy Union will bring about new reforms in the Academy of Sciences
Last Thursday, Montenegro transferred the presidency of the SEE Inter-Academic Union to Albania. The Albanian Academy of Sciences was represented in the meeting by its Chairman prof. Ylli Popa and three Vice Chairmen, prof.dr. Faraudin Hoxha, prof.dr. Eduard Sulstarova, and prof.dr. Luan Omari.
Ein Projekt direkt von Romano Prodi installiert mit der Zukunfts Forschung für den Balkan. Der Sitz des Institutes wurden nun von Montenegro planmässig nach Albanien verlegt, nachdem Albanien erhebliche Fortschritte mit der neuen REgierung gemacht hat.
This SEE Inter-Academy Union was established in November 2001, on the initiative of Romano Prody, back then the President of the European Commission. The presidency could bring more funds to the Albanian Academy of Sciences, having in mind that the IAU enjoys direct Brussels’ support, both in terms of finances and international policies.
"The aim of the union is to increase the interacademic collaboration of the participant countries. The Academies of Science of Albania, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Croatia, Greece, Kosova, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey are all members of this initiative", Prof. Eduard Sulstarova said.
Regarding the reforms in the Academy of Science, Sulstarova said the the " is not done like before, on the basis of plans but on bases of projects financed by the budget that is given to the Academy by the Pairlament. Also it is financed by the programs "Search and Development", financed by Brussels and those of the "Stability Pact".
Author: Dritan Ziu
Source: One World South East Europe