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Albanisches islamisches Forum

Verurteilung des israelischen Verbrechen





SU: The Muslims Forum of Albania condemns the Israeli crimes

The Muslims Forum of Albania has followed with great concern and anxiety the brutal aggression that the Zionist regime of Israel has undertaken against the Palestinian people and the sovereign state of Lebanon in those days.

The recent attacks that Israel has made towards the Palestinian and Lebanese civilians by bombing roads, bridges, water, electricity and oil facilities, are the most open evidence that the Israeli regime is not interested in achieving peace in the Middle East, but on the contrary, it seeks war.

The killing of innocent civilians, the destruction of infrastructure and the indiscriminate terrorization of common people, constitute a war crime, which in the modern history of Mediterranean we have seen happening only during the killings of Muslims in Bosnia and Kosova, and in the Lebanon of 1980-ies.

The Muslims Forum of Albania while shares its pain and sorrow with the victims of the Israeli aggression, disapproves the passivity of the Great Powers, which are displaying nowadays the same neglect for Palestine and Lebanon, as they did during the massacres committed by the criminal regime of Milosevic against the Muslims of Balkans during 1990-ies, when similar massacres like those being committed in the Middle East today, were made.

The Muslims Forum of Albania thinks that the pretext through which Israel started its aggression against the Palestinian and Lebanese people, can in no way justify the crimes, the destructions, and the state-sponsored terror that the arrogant regime of Tel-Aviv is showing today, as it has even in the past, against the people of the Middle East.

In the same way as we have condemned other terrorist acts in the past, the Muslim Forum of Albania, condemns and denounces with all its force the latest aggression and violence that the Israeli regime is unleashing in the Middle East today, in order of establishing its dictate and hegemony.

The Muslims Forum of Albania calls on the international powers to intervene now and immediately in the Israeli - Lebanese conflict, in order of establishing as soon as possible peace, justice and dignity, for the people of Palestine and Lebanon, who are deprived of living as human beings since many decades.

The Muslim Forum of Albania


Note for Editors:

The Muslim Forum of Albania is an NGO, part of the Albanian Civil Society whose aim is the fight against racism, discrimination and Islamophobia. For having more information on us please visit: www.forumimusliman.org
Sulejman schrieb:
Verurteilung des israelischen Verbrechen





SU: The Muslims Forum of Albania condemns the Israeli crimes

The Muslims Forum of Albania has followed with great concern and anxiety the brutal aggression that the Zionist regime of Israel has undertaken against the Palestinian people and the sovereign state of Lebanon in those days.

Note for Editors:

The Muslim Forum of Albania is an NGO, part of the Albanian Civil Society whose aim is the fight against racism, discrimination and Islamophobia. For having more information on us please visit: www.forumimusliman.org

Na, ja! Das die gegen den Israelischen Terror sind, erhrt die ohne Zweifel.

Trotzdem haben die dem Typen in Albanien gerade ein paar Grundstücke wegenommen, wo sie illegal Moscheen drauf gebaut hatten.


Die Seite ist ohne Zweifel eine reine Propapanda Form und im übrigen im zivilieren Rahmen, denn die Hartliner und Extremisten wurden schon aus Albanien verwiesen.

Kurz gesagt: Die Sache ist ok und lupo hat seinen Schirm, da herum gepackt, so das der Mossad einen elektrischen Schlag und ein paar Ohrfeigen sich einhandelt, wenn er versucht, solche Leute zu ärgern.
lupo-de-mare schrieb:
Sulejman schrieb:
Verurteilung des israelischen Verbrechen





SU: The Muslims Forum of Albania condemns the Israeli crimes

The Muslims Forum of Albania has followed with great concern and anxiety the brutal aggression that the Zionist regime of Israel has undertaken against the Palestinian people and the sovereign state of Lebanon in those days.

Note for Editors:

The Muslim Forum of Albania is an NGO, part of the Albanian Civil Society whose aim is the fight against racism, discrimination and Islamophobia. For having more information on us please visit: www.forumimusliman.org

Na, ja! Das die gegen den Israelischen Terror sind, erhrt die ohne Zweifel.

Trotzdem haben die dem Typen in Albanien gerade ein paar Grundstücke wegenommen, wo sie illegal Moscheen drauf gebaut hatten.


Die Seite ist ohne Zweifel eine reine Propapanda Form und im übrigen im zivilieren Rahmen, denn die Hartliner und Extremisten wurden schon aus Albanien verwiesen.

Kurz gesagt: Die Sache ist ok und lupo hat seinen Schirm, da herum gepackt, so das der Mossad einen elektrischen Schlag und ein paar Ohrfeigen sich einhandelt, wenn er versucht, solche Leute zu ärgern.

Dieser Imam auf dem Bild ist aber aus Kosovo...