From: US Dept of State Official Statements for Europe and Eurasia [mailto:WF-EUROPE@LISTS.STATE.GOV] On Behalf Of U.S. Dept of State List Manager Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2005 2:45 AM To: WF-EUROPE@LISTS.STATE.GOV Subject: Text: Democratic Reforms in Kosovo Cannot Wait,' U.S. Says
Text: Democratic Reforms in Kosovo 'Cannot Wait,' U.S. Says
(Minikes says implementation of standards should remain priority for Kosovo) (1040)
The United States is urging the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Kosovo to accelerate efforts to reform local government, improve security, and provide "an environment conducive for the return of those who have been displaced." "Democratic reform in Kosovo, including reform of local government, cannot wait," said U.S. Ambassador Stephan Minikes said in remarks to the OSCE Permanent Council February 10. "The very future of Kosovo will depend on Kosovo becoming a place where people of all communities can live, work and travel without fear, and without hostility or danger," he said. The implementation of the Standards -- political, economic and security benchmarks that were outlined by the United Nations in 2002 -- should remain the key priority of Kosovo's government as it prepares for the Comprehensive Review of mid-2005, Minikes said. The Standards call for functioning democratic institutions; the rule of law; freedom of movement for all citizens; safe return and reintegration of internally displaced people and refugees; market economy; property rights; dialogue with Belgrade; and the appropriate size of the Kosovo protection force, to include minority representation. Fulfillment of the standards is a precondition for any discussion on the province's future status. "We welcome the new government's commitment and energy to making these Standards a reality in Kosovo, but at the same time note that a positive Standards Review in mid-2005 is not assured and that much remains to be done," said Minikes. He also expressed the "deep appreciation" of the United States to Soren Jessen-Petersen for his service as head of the OSCE's Mission in Kosovo during the past three years, calling his contributions "indispensable to the creation of functioning democratic institutions that are helping Kosovo today meet the Standards." Jessen-Petersen told the Permanent Council February 10 that the OSCE would continue to play an important role in Kosovo as the United Nations presence is scaled down. He also said 2005 would be a crucial year for Kosovo as the international community reviewed the implementation of standards, especially those concerning better protection and better living conditions for minorities. His remarks can be found on the OSCE Web site at: Following are Minikes' remarks:
(begin text)
United States Mission to the OSCE
Text: Democratic Reforms in Kosovo 'Cannot Wait,' U.S. Says
(Minikes says implementation of standards should remain priority for Kosovo) (1040)
The United States is urging the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Kosovo to accelerate efforts to reform local government, improve security, and provide "an environment conducive for the return of those who have been displaced." "Democratic reform in Kosovo, including reform of local government, cannot wait," said U.S. Ambassador Stephan Minikes said in remarks to the OSCE Permanent Council February 10. "The very future of Kosovo will depend on Kosovo becoming a place where people of all communities can live, work and travel without fear, and without hostility or danger," he said. The implementation of the Standards -- political, economic and security benchmarks that were outlined by the United Nations in 2002 -- should remain the key priority of Kosovo's government as it prepares for the Comprehensive Review of mid-2005, Minikes said. The Standards call for functioning democratic institutions; the rule of law; freedom of movement for all citizens; safe return and reintegration of internally displaced people and refugees; market economy; property rights; dialogue with Belgrade; and the appropriate size of the Kosovo protection force, to include minority representation. Fulfillment of the standards is a precondition for any discussion on the province's future status. "We welcome the new government's commitment and energy to making these Standards a reality in Kosovo, but at the same time note that a positive Standards Review in mid-2005 is not assured and that much remains to be done," said Minikes. He also expressed the "deep appreciation" of the United States to Soren Jessen-Petersen for his service as head of the OSCE's Mission in Kosovo during the past three years, calling his contributions "indispensable to the creation of functioning democratic institutions that are helping Kosovo today meet the Standards." Jessen-Petersen told the Permanent Council February 10 that the OSCE would continue to play an important role in Kosovo as the United Nations presence is scaled down. He also said 2005 would be a crucial year for Kosovo as the international community reviewed the implementation of standards, especially those concerning better protection and better living conditions for minorities. His remarks can be found on the OSCE Web site at: Following are Minikes' remarks:
(begin text)
United States Mission to the OSCE