Wegen Bestechung durch die US Baufirma Bechtel, musste schon der Kroatische Aussenminister zurück treten. Und immer dabei die Bin Laden Geldstellte, wie USAID welche das US State Department vertritt.
Wie bewiesen, baute USAID die American Bank of Albania auf, wo Bin Laden seine Geldwäsche KOnten unterhielt.
Und im Irak kassierten diese Mafia Organisationen Milliarden ab, für eine neue Wasser Infrastruktur, aber es gibt weniger Wasser wie unter Saddam.
The Honorable Joseph E. Schmitz
Inspector General
Department of Defense
400 Army Navy Drive
Arlington, VA 22202-4704
Dear Inspector General Schmitz,
This letter concerns information on some of Bechtel’s obligations and activities in
the reconstruction of Iraq’s water and wastewater systems following the United
States-led invasion of spring 2003. Public Citizen is requesting an investigation of
Bechtel’s fulfillment of its contractual obligations to refurbish Iraq’s water delivery
systems. Initially, we were alarmed by the secret process that resulted in the
issuance of a $680 million contract to Bechtel on April 17, 2003 for reconstruction
duties in Iraq, including vast responsibilities in the water and wastewater sector.
Since then, our concerns have intensified, first as the contract package was raised
to $1.03 billion in September of 2003, then as Bechtel won an additional contract
worth $1.8 billion to extend its program through December 2005, and now as there
continues to be a profound lack of institutional oversight of Bechtel’s work in
Iraq. Today, despite Bechtel’s contractual mandate to refurbish water delivery
systems in Iraq, many Iraqis suffer on a day-to-day basis from a lack of potable
water. It is our opinion that Bechtel reaps taxpayers’ money without sufficient
accountability or consequence for its performance.
This letter details information provided by Iraqi citizens and officials about some
of Bechtel’s failures in the fulfillment of its duties to provide water and wastewater
services in Iraq as articulated in the contract the company signed with the
U.S. Agency for International Development (U.S.AID). The information contained
in this letter was gathered by an independent Iraq-based investigative journalist
for Public Citizen. We are forwarding it to you in hopes that you will use it to
launch your own probe and delve deeper. Along with the following information,
Public Citizen offers recommendations concerning the relationship between the
U.S. Government and Bechtel with regard to water services in Iraq.
Wenonah Hauter
Director, Public Citizen’s Water for All Campaign
CC: Members of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee
Mehr Details hier
Und weil das nun mal so ist, dient der Balkan Aufbau nur der Bereicherung Ausländischer Firmen mit Hilfe von Ausländischen STrukturen.
Wie bewiesen, baute USAID die American Bank of Albania auf, wo Bin Laden seine Geldwäsche KOnten unterhielt.
Und im Irak kassierten diese Mafia Organisationen Milliarden ab, für eine neue Wasser Infrastruktur, aber es gibt weniger Wasser wie unter Saddam.
The Honorable Joseph E. Schmitz
Inspector General
Department of Defense
400 Army Navy Drive
Arlington, VA 22202-4704
Dear Inspector General Schmitz,
This letter concerns information on some of Bechtel’s obligations and activities in
the reconstruction of Iraq’s water and wastewater systems following the United
States-led invasion of spring 2003. Public Citizen is requesting an investigation of
Bechtel’s fulfillment of its contractual obligations to refurbish Iraq’s water delivery
systems. Initially, we were alarmed by the secret process that resulted in the
issuance of a $680 million contract to Bechtel on April 17, 2003 for reconstruction
duties in Iraq, including vast responsibilities in the water and wastewater sector.
Since then, our concerns have intensified, first as the contract package was raised
to $1.03 billion in September of 2003, then as Bechtel won an additional contract
worth $1.8 billion to extend its program through December 2005, and now as there
continues to be a profound lack of institutional oversight of Bechtel’s work in
Iraq. Today, despite Bechtel’s contractual mandate to refurbish water delivery
systems in Iraq, many Iraqis suffer on a day-to-day basis from a lack of potable
water. It is our opinion that Bechtel reaps taxpayers’ money without sufficient
accountability or consequence for its performance.
This letter details information provided by Iraqi citizens and officials about some
of Bechtel’s failures in the fulfillment of its duties to provide water and wastewater
services in Iraq as articulated in the contract the company signed with the
U.S. Agency for International Development (U.S.AID). The information contained
in this letter was gathered by an independent Iraq-based investigative journalist
for Public Citizen. We are forwarding it to you in hopes that you will use it to
launch your own probe and delve deeper. Along with the following information,
Public Citizen offers recommendations concerning the relationship between the
U.S. Government and Bechtel with regard to water services in Iraq.
Wenonah Hauter
Director, Public Citizen’s Water for All Campaign
CC: Members of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee
Mehr Details hier
Und weil das nun mal so ist, dient der Balkan Aufbau nur der Bereicherung Ausländischer Firmen mit Hilfe von Ausländischen STrukturen.