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anonyme serbische berichte über das massaker in Qyshk

du hast irwelche komplexe ne? .. man muss euch imma als opfer ansehen damit ihr auch genug aufmerksamkeit bekommt oda?.. es ist langsam echt langweilig..

ihr habt nen glück das wir euch net jede minute vorhalten was ihr getan habt .. :birdman::birdman:

aber wie scheiße ihr seit sagen wir ja ständig .. mit eurer mitleidstour sowieso.. :app::birdman:
was anderes von socleh usern wie dich habe ich nicht erwartet!
viele serbische user versuchen den einsatz der armee in kosova damit zu begründen, dass man eigentlich gegen die uck vorgehen wollte.

hier kann man serbische kriegsverbrecher hören, wie diese selber bestätigen, in kosova nur gegen zivilisten vorgegangen zu sein.


serben die die uck suchten, kamen nie mehr zurück!

die meisten glorreichen kämpfer dieser sogenannten spezialeinheiten suchten immer opfer, keine gegner!

überall ließt man, wie stark doch die serbischen soldaten gewesen sind,
nie fragen sich die serben, gegen wen kämpften die denn???

vielleicht läßt man das weg, weil sonst das schöne bild nicht mehr passt.
"crvene beretke, Formacjon Frenkie, OPG, MUNJA, polizei und armee..."

allein das hier zeigt wie viel wahrheit in diesem scheiss drinnen steckt und was fuer desinformierte propaganda ihr betreibt.... serben wurden in serbien wegen podujevo angeklagt wegen bljakkurac wo du sicher cuska meinst ist nichts bekannt sondern nur ein dummer artikel eines unabhaengigen radios und irgendwelchen erfundenen aussagen und dayu noch durcheinandergebrachte namen von beteiligten einheiten.... allein schon
crvene beretke, formation frenkie hahahhahah hahahahahhahahhaha
ooopfer ihr albaner, einfach nur opfer
versuchst du kriegsverbrechen deiner spezialeinheiten zu verheimlichen???

gegen Zivilisten sind deine spezialeonheiten sehr stark gewesen...


Milan is a Bosnian Serb who belonged to the militia gang Munja (Lightning).
I was recruited into Munja by a member of the Serbian Radical Party in Belgrade. He provided us with weapons, ammunition, satellite phones and walkie-talkies. That was the middle of March 1999, ten days before NATO began bombing.

We trained for three days at a camp in Leskovac (Serbia). There were 20 in my unit, and most of the guys came with war experience from Bosnia and other places. Three of them were former members of the Yugoslav state security service in Croatia. Many of them were criminals.

The goal was to fight against the KLA and to cleanse away their support. I am a Serbian patriot. I fought for the Serbian cause. And also for the sake of money. Money was the main thing.

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We heard that members of the Serbian secret police were transporting Albanian civilians in the trunk of their cars for $2,700. There were some members of my unit who would take the money and just kill the guy. I didn’t do such things. I took them to the border. When the NATO bombing intensified, I started doing the same thing—taking the money and killing them. (. . .)

[In one operation] we suspected that in four houses in the village, there were members of the KLA. I opened mortar fire on those houses and we entered the hamlet. When we arrived there were dead people; five or six civilians, a couple KLA soldiers. Those who survived, they fled to the forest. We were successful and didn’t even need artillery support from the army, like the other groups.

We grabbed two wounded guys who we thought were from the KLA and killed them.

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Our job was to cleanse the village. Some other villagers were hiding in the forest, so we went there to pick them up. There was this village elder, some old Albanian guy, who refused to leave. I mean the guy was just pathetic. We ordered him to go to the border to Albania, but he just refused. So we put a bullet in his forehead. The others were taken to the border while we burned everything in that village. The whole village.

We’d hear about what was happening to Serbs every day on the news. When you see that NATO is bombing the center of a town or the television station in Belgrade, and every day friends, comrades died, you don’t care about the Albanians. Why would you? We lived off revenge. Sweet revenge.

Back then, revenge felt very good. Especially when we killed the KLA. . .Now I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. It hasn’t lasted.

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My first operation was to arrest a woman. I had five people with me. We had to shoot her, you can't imagine how she was resisting. How it was. You know, they have these houses with high walls. . . we had information that she worked for the KLA. We were told to arrest her. So, it was a woman, and with women, you know that they are different. She resisted. We were surprised. You know, a woman 35 who had the gall to resist. So we shot her in the legs. And we handed her over. It wasn't any of my business what happened to her. It's stupid to ask questions beyond my job.

Munja. . . and others. These were cases of criminals and former police men who were
looking for money. These groups had the same directives as we did. Or at least similar. Munja was given names of people, on lists, to liquidate, or arrest, and usually the others were moved out. But Munja's main interest was in robbing people and in raping women. They were a dirty group of men who had no qualms about killing women and children, whether or not they were ordered to do it. They weren't disciplined like us. We carried out orders, and we were not ordered to kill women and children. We killed men, we killed those we were ordered to kill. That's the difference. We were professionals.

alles gelogen, serbische einheiten machen sowas nicht, die sind helden...