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Anonymous droht wiederholt der Türkei


Anonymous werde so lange die offiziellen Webseiten der Türkei attackieren, bis sie den Völkermord an den Armeniern anerkennen. Die Weltberühmten Cyber-Aktivisten von der Hackergruppe Anonymous erpressen die Türkische und die US-Regierung das Sie den Völkermord an den Armeniern anerkennen sollen ansonsten werden sie offizielle Webseiten der beiden Staaten attackieren.
anonymous sollte lieber die finger davon lassen sonst haut ayyildiz mal wieder auf ihre finger und übergibt deren daten an die polizei weiter wie sie es schon mal gemacht haben
Die Asala hat die ganze Türkei terrorisiert und sämtliche türkische Diplomaten, Politiker und Botschafter getötet, um das zu erreichen. Die Türkei hat trotzdem nicht nachgegeben. Glauben diese Nerds wirklich, sie werden es schaffen? :lol:

Anonymous hacked by Turkish hacker group

AnonPlus, a social network created by the hacker group Anonymous has been hacked by a Turkish hacker group called Akincilar, who replaced the Anonymous logo of men in suits, with one of a dog wearing a suit on the social networking site, according to The Register.

Anonymous began setting up its own social network after profiles set up by its members on Google+ were removed last week. Several days later, the rival hacker group from Turkey defaced the pre-beta site's front page with the joke version of the standard Anonymous logo and a message mocking the group in Turkish and English.

"We Are TURKIYE We Are Akincilar. This logo suits you more ... How dare you rise against to the World ... Do you really think that you are Ottoman Empire? We thought you before that you cannot challenge with the world and we teach you cannot be social Now all of you go to your doghouse ..." read the message.

Details of how the hack was perpetrated are unknown, but are likely to have involved either easily exploited site vulnerabilities or sloppy password security: the same vulnerabilities that Anonymous has been criticising big business for, through its AntiSec campaign.

Developers behind AnonPlus had a few choice words for Turkish hackers dismissing them, among other things, as "snobby, arrogant, IGNORANT little f****** children" in a counter-rant.

Anonymous attacked government websites in Turkey in protest against controversial internet filtering plans back in June. Turkish police arrested 32 suspects days later.

Anonymous hacked by Turkish hacker group - Security - News & Features - ITP.net