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ausländer in der uck


Francesco was originally from Biella in Italy. Although in his late fifties, in 1999 he volunteered to help the Albanians of Kosova who were being subjected to a program of genocide at the hands of the Serbian Army. Although organisation within the Kosova Liberation Army was often inconsistent during this period Francesco joined 138. Agim Ramada Brigade and successfully crossed the mountains from Albania into occupied Kosova. He was often seen with a Dragunov sniper rifle, a rarity in the UCK at that time. On the morning of the 7th May he was in action on the Rock of Kocara near Junik when he was shot and killed by a Serb sniper. He remains there still, buried in a marked grave.

He served in 138. 'Agim Ramada' Brigade of the Kosova Liberation Army (UCK)and was killed by Serb forces in the area of Kocara near the Albanian border. He is buried in a marked grave nearby.

er kam aus algerien.
A French volunteer killed by Serb forces whilst serving as a member of the Kosova Liberation Army (UCK) in the area of Kocara, near the Albanian border in 1999. He lies buried at Kocara and should not be confused with another French volunteer killed by mines in the same area. No further details are known.
One of a group of three International Volunteers serving with the Kosova Liberation Army (UCK) inside Kosova during 1999. They were killed by Serb forces and reportedly lie unburied, their bones still in uniforms and equipment, on a mined, densely forested hillside in the area of Kocara, near the Albanian border. No further details are known.
Tja,Arschkarte gezogen! Das kommt davon,wenn Hobbysoldaten krieg spielen!

P.S.Schön das zugegeben wird,dass man aus Albanien aus das Kosovo angegriffen hat!
albaner schrieb:
One of a group of three International Volunteers serving with the Kosova Liberation Army (UCK) inside Kosova during 1999. They were killed by Serb forces and reportedly lie unburied, their bones still in uniforms and equipment, on a mined, densely forested hillside in the area of Kocara, near the Albanian border. No further details are known.

Guter Thread. Ein paar Deutsche Nazis waren auch dabei, welche Als Terroristen erschossen wurden.

Der bekannteste Bomben Leger war ja ein Deutscher, der den schwersten Bomben Anschlag im Kosovo nach 1999 auch verübte. Er sitzt längst im Gefängniss und wenn ich Zeit habe, suche ich mal den Namen.
lupo-de-mare schrieb:
albaner schrieb:
One of a group of three International Volunteers serving with the Kosova Liberation Army (UCK) inside Kosova during 1999. They were killed by Serb forces and reportedly lie unburied, their bones still in uniforms and equipment, on a mined, densely forested hillside in the area of Kocara, near the Albanian border. No further details are known.

Guter Thread. Ein paar Deutsche Nazis waren auch dabei, welche Als Terroristen erschossen wurden.

Der bekannteste Bomben Leger war ja ein Deutscher, der den schwersten Bomben Anschlag im Kosovo nach 1999 auch verübte. Er sitzt längst im Gefängniss und wenn ich Zeit habe, suche ich mal den Namen.

jep sowie serbische Zivilisten aus der Diaspora, die uebers Wochenende nach Kosova reisten um jagt auf Albaner zu machen, kamm ja mal so ne Sendung ueber diese Serben, waren nicht wenige....