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"Belvedere" von Ahmed Imamovic


SelamAleykum Balkan*****e
YouTube - Belvedere (Trailer) - Ahmed Imamovic
YouTube - Premiere für "Belvedere" von Ahmed Imamovic
YouTube - Premijera filma 'Belvedere'

Priča o onima koji su mrtviji od svih svojih mrtvih.

Ovo je intimna priča o onima koji su preživjeli genocid u Srebrenici, a sada se suočavaju sa realnošću punom kontrasta.
Realnost njihove neumorne portage za istinom sudara se sa trivijalnošću svakodnevice tranzicijskog društva opsjednutog produkcijom "reality shows" koji formiraju pojedince sa površnim karakterom.
Kada se ova dva svjeta sudare u potpuno disfunkcionalnom društvu, počinje odbrojavanje...


This is a tale of those that are more dead than all the dead of their kin.

This is an intimate story of the survivors of Srebrenica genocide facing the world of contrasts.
On one hand there is their relentless search for the truth while on the other there are trivialities of everyday realities of transitional society obsessed with reality shows used as a device to fabricate individuals characterized by superficiality.
And when these two worlds collide in a dysfunctional society a bomb starts its countdown.


Auch von Ahmed Imamovic
YouTube - 10 Minuta (Ahmed Imamovic)