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Bosnien, Kroatien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Spanien,usw. auf einem Track (HipHop)2010

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1. MC Melodee (Holland)
2. Frenkie (Bosnien)
3. Curse (Deutschland)
4. Orelsan (Frankreich)
5. Mariama (Deutschland)
6. Remi (Kroatien)
7. Rival (Belgien)
8. Valete (Portugal)
9. GMBisGeryMendes (Holland)
10. Marcus Price (Schweden)
11. Shot (Kroatien)
12. Nach (Spanien)
13. Luche (Italien)
14. Pitcho (Belgien)

YouTube - Diversidad - The experience(Video Music) 2010

Diversidad is the Spanish word for diversity. In case of the same-titled musical project initiated by the European Music Office (EMO) and supported by the European Commission, it's not an empty phrase, but a way of living, thinking and -- even more importantly -- creating. To celebrate the diversity of urban music, styles and culture throughout Europe is the main aim of this ambitious artistic melting pot. In the spirit of cultural exchange, 14 different artists have come together in a recording studio in Brussels to combine their different vocal stylings over an uplifiting musical background provided by premier league beatmaker Spike Miller from France.
Spike Miller's instrumental for Diversidad's single, The eXperience, is a state-of-the-art production which can compete against any hit single on urban radio right now. The mixture of innovative drum programming, atmospheric synth chords and attacking strings is as multifaceted as the national and cultural backgrounds of the artists that are rapping and singing on top of it. In four minutes, the listener is carried from the smooth accentuation of Spanish or Swedish over the familiar sounds of English and French to the more harsh linguistics of German, Bosnian and Croatian. »Different rivers flow together«, sings Freetown-born, but Cologne-based artist Mariama in a catchy hook that resembles current R&B club smashers while still sounding characteristic and recognizable.



Es gab schon einmal so etwas "Slavic Song" da war auch Frenkie und Remi mit dabei ...


Da sind aber auch Polen, Serbien, Russland, usw. (halt alle slawischen Länder vertreten)

Remi (Kroatien) -> 0:50
S:A:F (Makedonien)-> 1:10
Sharks (Slowenien)-> 2:20
Goverment (Serbien)-> 2:30
Frenkie (Bosnien)-> 3:30