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Den Haag plant Anklage gegen Mazedonische Politiker


Hauptgrund war die Ermordung von Pakistanis, welche vom Organisierten Verbrechen in die Region zum Menschenschmuggel geschleust wurden.

Der damalige Innneminster Ljube Boskovski, liess diese harmlosen und unbewaffneten Leute erschiessen und gab sie als Terroristen aus.

Hague Continues Investigation of Ljuboten Case


The Hague tribunal is planning to question four additional witnesses as part of its investigation into the August 2001 killings of civilians by forces under the supervision of former Interior Minister Ljube Boskovski.

By Marija Lazarova for Southeast European Times in Skopje -- 24/01/05

Former Interior Minister Ljube Boskovski may be indicted by The Hague tribunal for alleged war crimes in Ljuboten in 2001. [AFP]

Amid growing media speculation that the UN war crimes tribunal could indict former Interior Minister Ljube Boskovski for war crimes, the UN court has informed the Macedonian Justice Ministry that it is continuing to study the so-called Ljuboten case. Investigators from the tribunal's Pristina office will arrive in Skopje to question four more witnesses from 8 February to 10 February.

Former Public Prosecutor Stavre Dzikov and former Chief of Security Zlatko Keskoski will be questioned, while President of the First Instance Court 2 Bojan Eftimov and Acting President of the First Instance Court 1 Jovanka Nikodinovska will be called as witnesses.

"I have not received a written invitation yet," Dzikov said, "but I will go to the interview." Eftimov and Nikodinovska also said they will respond to the request by the investigators.

Ten civilians were killed in a police operation in the village of Ljuboten in August 2001, during the final days of the interethnic conflict in Macedonia. According to Human Rights Watch, which cited "grave abuses" by forces under Boskovski's supervision, 22 homes, sheds and stores were also destroyed during the house-to-house attack on the village.

The former interior minister is also under investigation for the orchestrated killing of six Pakistanis and one Indian near Skopje on 2 March 2002. Acting on Boskovski's orders, police allegedly kidnapped and gunned down the migrants, then planted weapons on them. The ministry then claimed they were terrorists with probable links to al-Qaeda.

"It will be bad for all citizens in Macedonia, and for future generations, if we offer a distorted picture of what was happening in 2001," Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski said in response to the tribunal's decision to continue its inquiry. Pledging full co-operation, he said local courts are prepared to deal with possible war crimes cases if the tribunal decides to hand them over.

The government, he said, is already focusing on two other cases under investigation by The Hague tribunal -- one involving the torture of construction workers, and the other involving the kidnapping and execution of civilians.

Investigators from The Hague have questioned 120 current and former state officials, including Buckovski, former Prime Minister Ljubco Georgievski, former Chief of Staff of the Macedonian Army Metodij Stamobliski and Police General Risto Galevski.
