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In meinem Avatar befindet sich Djordje Bogic, ein orthodoxer Martyrer der von den Ustasa brutal gefoltert und ermordet wurde.
Das Martyrium:
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So, ich fange mal beispielhaft an:
In meinem Avatar befindet sich Djordje Bogic, ein orthodoxer Martyrer der von den Ustasa brutal gefoltert und ermordet wurde.
Das Martyrium:
"In the night of June 17, 1941, Feliks Lahner, a milkman from Našice, accompanied with two Ustašas into Father Đorđe's apartment and ordered him to come with them immediately so as to question him. He obeyed their order and got into the car waiting in front of his apartment and was taken towards some field. Fr. Đorđe was brought to a grazing field, out of Našice, near the Chapel of St. Martin, and was killed there. Before dying, Fr. Đorđe had endured great suffering. The Ustašas tied him to a tree, cut off his ears, nose, and tongue and tore his beard together with the skin. After that they picked his eyes out, thereat swearing at him viciously. In the end, one Ustasa cut his chest and belly open, took out Djordje's intestines, and wrapped them around his neck. Only then had Fr. Đorđe completely collapsed, after which the Ustašas cut the rope that Djordje was tied to the tree with. His body fell to the ground, where the Ustašas fired at him and finished killing him. The person guilty of these martyr afflictions was a Roman Catholic priest from Našice, Sidonije Solc. One of the witnesses said: "He (Fra Solc) had our parish priest Đorđe Bogic killed in the most monstrous manner. They took him out of his apartment in the middle of the night and butchered him."