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Der Griechische oder der Römische Gruß?


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Ich dachte immer es wär der "Römische Gruß" jetzt schreiben ein paar Griechen, es wäre der Griechische Gruß?

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The Greek salute not the roman salute?​

The so-called "Nazi" salute is primarily the DORIC (Greek) salute to the Rising Sun, a salute through which the human body could draw energetic forces from the Sun, ascending to higher spiritual states and mental fields. This salute, performed with the right hand outstretched, was the most common way of greeting among our ancestors and also symbolized that the greeter in time of war raises his hand to take the weapon to fight and in time of peace to show readiness.

The greeting of the raising of the right hand starts from ancient Greece and more specifically from the Doric and Pelasgian societies. It seems to have first appeared in the rites in which the priests greeted the statues of the gods in this way.
Characteristic of this greeting is that the palm is pointed towards the greeted person. The reason is that in this way the priests showed the purity of their intentions. To do this, they must first have washed their hands thoroughly. At the same time, by greeting in this way, they showed to the gods that they were also mentally pure towards them.
Ich dachte immer es wär der "Römische Gruß" jetzt schreiben ein paar Griechen, es wäre der Griechische Gruß?

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The Greek salute not the roman salute?​

The so-called "Nazi" salute is primarily the DORIC (Greek) salute to the Rising Sun, a salute through which the human body could draw energetic forces from the Sun, ascending to higher spiritual states and mental fields. This salute, performed with the right hand outstretched, was the most common way of greeting among our ancestors and also symbolized that the greeter in time of war raises his hand to take the weapon to fight and in time of peace to show readiness.

The greeting of the raising of the right hand starts from ancient Greece and more specifically from the Doric and Pelasgian societies. It seems to have first appeared in the rites in which the priests greeted the statues of the gods in this way.
Characteristic of this greeting is that the palm is pointed towards the greeted person. The reason is that in this way the priests showed the purity of their intentions. To do this, they must first have washed their hands thoroughly. At the same time, by greeting in this way, they showed to the gods that they were also mentally pure towards them.
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Ich dachte immer es wär der "Römische Gruß" jetzt schreiben ein paar Griechen, es wäre der Griechische Gruß?

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The Greek salute not the roman salute?​

The so-called "Nazi" salute is primarily the DORIC (Greek) salute to the Rising Sun, a salute through which the human body could draw energetic forces from the Sun, ascending to higher spiritual states and mental fields. This salute, performed with the right hand outstretched, was the most common way of greeting among our ancestors and also symbolized that the greeter in time of war raises his hand to take the weapon to fight and in time of peace to show readiness.

The greeting of the raising of the right hand starts from ancient Greece and more specifically from the Doric and Pelasgian societies. It seems to have first appeared in the rites in which the priests greeted the statues of the gods in this way.
Characteristic of this greeting is that the palm is pointed towards the greeted person. The reason is that in this way the priests showed the purity of their intentions. To do this, they must first have washed their hands thoroughly. At the same time, by greeting in this way, they showed to the gods that they were also mentally pure towards them.

Ich glaube man missinterpretiert diesen Gruß

Es kommt definitiv aus dem Altgriechischen Morti
Damit hat man seinem gegenüber den Wunsch geäußert „ Ich brauch so einen großen Yarrak“
Doch Jahrhunderte lang ging nichts

Als dann die Türken aus dem Osten kamen, wurde ihr Wunsch endlich erhört :toothy2:
Das ist der altgriechische Gruß für die F35
Ich glaube man missinterpretiert diesen Gruß

Es kommt definitiv aus dem Altgriechischen Morti
Damit hat man seinem gegenüber den Wunsch geäußert „ Ich brauch so einen großen Yarrak“
Doch Jahrhunderte lang ging nichts

Als dann die Türken aus dem Osten kamen, wurde ihr Wunsch endlich erhört :toothy2:
................du naives Röckchenopfer.........du weißt schon wer deine Herren sind............und immer im Röckchen wirds dir bewiesen...................kannst ruhig weiter Daddeln, du großer OSMANISCHER Röckchen-Held..................wir lachen mit dir mit....und auch wenn deine Art des gegenseitigen "VERSTEHENS " nicht meiner Neigungsart entspricht, freue ich mich, dass es einige andere Landsleute gibt, die dich immer wieder am Boden der Tatsachen auf den Knien haben.....zumindest hast du so auch deinen Spaß, auch wenn du irgendwie uns alle dafür verantwortlich machst,dass deine Röckchen immer kürzer werden....................................