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Die Kosovo Mafia UCK ANA droht der UNMIK


BBC: Albanische National Armee droht UNMIK im Kosovo

Die Britische BBC meldet, dass die ANA (Albanische Nationalarmme) seit einiger Zeit der UNMIK droht, das Kosovo zu verlassen.

In Briefen, die unter den Scheibenwischern der UNMIK Autos hinterlegt sind, heisst es die UNMIK solle das KOSOVO verlassen, sonst werden sie angegriffen. Zudem stehe auf den Briefen "Es lebe das vereingte Albanien, es lebe ANA"

Nun ja, betrachten wir die Bombenanschläge in den letzten Monate im Kosovo vor UN-Gebäuden, ist es wahscheinlich dass es dort zu Konflikten kommen wird. Die Albaner haben einerseits kein Interesse an einer weiteren Fremdherrschaft, in dem Fall die UN, aber einerseits ist es nicht von der EU und der NATO gern gesehen, wenn man immer direkt zu den Waffen greift. Das ist ein Niveauloses Mittel. Verhandlungen sind die einzige Möglichkeit den Frieden dauerhaft zu stabilisieren.

DRUŠTVO - AKTUELNO - Nedelja, Avgust 07, 2005 20:20 RTS
Albanska nacionalna armija [ANA] već neko vreme preti Misiji Ujedinjenih nacija na Kosovu i Metohiji [UNMIK], tražeći da napusti pokrajinu, prenela je britanska radio stanica Bi-Bi-Si.

'Glavni štab Albanske nacionalne armije izdaje naređenje UNMIK-u, policiji UNMIK i civilnim albanskim strukturama da u najkraćem roku napuste posao, a onaj deo Albanaca koji dobija informacije od srpske obaveštajne službe takođe treba da napusti našu domovinu Kosovo', stoji u pismima koja su zakačena za brisače na vozilima UNMIK-a u Prištini.

Prema BBC, pisma je potpisao izvesni Gazmen Beriša koji sebe naziva vrhovnim komandantom glavnih štabova ANA.

Regionalni portparol UNMIK Đorđi Kakuk je, međutim, za BBC rekao da nije upoznat sa postojanjem ovih pisama. 'Ukoliko se nešto i dešava to je stvar naše unutrašnje bezbednosti tako da o tome ne diskutujemo', rekao je portparol Kakuk.

BBC je takođe naveo da u pomenutom pismu u je dopisnik te radio stanice, imao uvid još piše: 'Glavni štab ANA još jedanput upozorava UNMIK i OEBS [Organizaciju za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju] da napuste Kosovo jer ako to ne učine biće napadnuti. Živela ujedinjena Albanija, živela ANA!'.


Typisches Verhalten der Dumm Doofi UCK ANA AKSH, welche von der UN zur Terror Organisation erklärt wurde
Der aktuelle Verfassungs Schutz Bericht über die kriminelle und verbotene AKSH - ANA. Die haben nur noch 50 Mitglieder und machen für ihre Mafia Geschäfte ein solches Tamm- Tamm

5. Kosovo Albanians
167 After initially suspending proceedings and imposing certain conditions, Oldenburg Regional Court
dropped the case on 18 March 2005 following payment of € 1,000 to a charity.
- 236 - Activities by Extremist Foreigners that Endanger the Security of the State
Albanian National Army (AKSH) / Front for Albanian National
Unification (FBKSH)
Founded: In 1999 in Kosovo
Leadership: Chairman: Gafurr ADILI
Political Secretary: Idajet BEQIRI
Membership/Supporters: Around 50
The security situation in the former Yugoslavia has steadily improved
over the past few years thanks to the international military and
administrative presence and treaties. Nevertheless, extremist forces
are still active in the region. In view of the unstable situation,
particularly in Kosovo and Macedonia, these groups could pose a
long-term threat to the peace process. The AKSH and its political
wing, the FBKSH, are two such extremist forces. Their goal is to
create a “Greater Albania” that goes beyond current national
boundaries – if need be by force. Even after the National Liberation
Army (UCK) ceased hostilities in September 2001 following the
signing of the so-called Ohrid Agreement 168 and disbanded, the
AKSH propagated a continuation of the “struggle for liberation” in all
regions inhabited by Albanians – in Kosovo and Macedonia, as well as
in Serbia, Montenegro and Greece. It also attempted to establish
structures in these regions. It was the FBKSH’s task to set up a
network of supporters abroad – for example also in Germany. From
2001 to 2003 the AKSH carried out a number of militant and terrorist
activities in the region and was thus declared a terrorist organisation
by the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and
subsequently banned. The FBKSH, for its part, propagated its
objectives in Western Europe in various publications and at events
attended by compatriots. It also attempted to create a multi-country
network of forces.
The number of attacks and other militant activities carried out by the
AKSH dropped dramatically in 2004. The FBKSH’s propaganda
activities in Western Europe also declined. The prevailing state of
uncertainty within the organisation was further heightened by the fact
that two alleged leaders of the FBKSH in Albania (who had been living
in Switzerland and Belgium) were handed down prison sentences for
168 An agreement reached on 1 August 2001 between the Macedonian central government and the insurgent
Albanians which was aimed at improving the legal situation of Albanians.
Activities by Extremist Foreigners that Endanger the Security of the State - 237 -
incitement to hatred, among other things. One of the two was arrested
in Germany in December 2003 on an international arrest warrant and
extradited to Albania in June 2004.
In view of the unstable security situation in Kosovo, as indicated by
the unrest in March, 169 and the continued risk of destabilisation in
Macedonia, tensions could very quickly rise again, for example if the
Albanians’ expectations regarding an independent Kosovo are not
fulfilled. In turn, groups like the AKSH and the FBKSH could exploit
such a situation to their own ends, by spearheading the “struggle for
liberation” with militant means.
169 After the Albanian-language media reported a rumour that two Albanian children had drowned in a river in
Mitrovica after being chased by a Serb with a fierce dog, pogrom-like clashes broke out on two
successive days in Kosovo in mid-March 2004. The rioters allegedly attacked houses and churches
belonging to the Serbian population, but they also targeted the minority Romany and Ashkali population,
as well as vehicles belonging to the UNMIK administration.


Die aktuellen Webseiten dieser Verbrecher Bande


und identisch

Ey cool, meine lieblings Websites ich mag die jetzt schon.
Zwar nichts mit Nationalismus zu tun aber egal.
Wenigstens Nationalbewußtsein. :wink:
Gjergj schrieb:
Ey cool, meine lieblings Websites ich mag die jetzt schon.
Zwar nichts mit Nationalismus zu tun aber egal.
Wenigstens Nationalbewußtsein. :wink:

Die hast Du noch nicht gekannt! Ich habe die mal dem Verfassungs Schutz weiter gegeben, damit auch diese Website gesperrt werden.
China against Kosovo independence | 12:34 October 27 | B92

PEKING -- Thursday – Chinese Government officials support keeping Kosovo a part of Serbia and maintaining Serbia-Montenegro’s territorial integrity.

Serbia-Montenegro Foreign Minister Vuk Draskovic, who was in Peking yesterday, said that Chinese officials made it clear that they stand behind Serbia’s Kosovo plan and believe that the question of Kosovo’s status must be solved through compromise.

Draskovic told China’s Vice President Zeng Qinghong that Kosovo is to Serbia what Taiwan is to China.

“I expressed my belief that the UN Security Council, which China is a full-time member of, will not allow force to prevail over justice. China’s senior officials stand firmly behind the principle stances that the UN and the entire international community must respect the charter for the maintaining of state borders, and that any other approach would be an attack on the UN charter and international law.” Draskovic said.

will die UCK ANA AKSH und wie diese ganzen Albabnischen Terroristen heissen, auch China angreifen :lol:
lupo-de-mare schrieb:
Gjergj schrieb:
Ey cool, meine lieblings Websites ich mag die jetzt schon.
Zwar nichts mit Nationalismus zu tun aber egal.
Wenigstens Nationalbewußtsein. :wink:

Die hast Du noch nicht gekannt! Ich habe die mal dem Verfassungs Schutz weiter gegeben, damit auch diese Website gesperrt werden.

Du lässt Webnsites sperren die du garnicht verstehst?
Dann kannst du anfang auch gegen diese Site was zu unternehmen:
www.kosovo.com :tu:
Gjergj schrieb:
lupo-de-mare schrieb:
Gjergj schrieb:
Ey cool, meine lieblings Websites ich mag die jetzt schon.
Zwar nichts mit Nationalismus zu tun aber egal.
Wenigstens Nationalbewußtsein. :wink:

Die hast Du noch nicht gekannt! Ich habe die mal dem Verfassungs Schutz weiter gegeben, damit auch diese Website gesperrt werden.

Du lässt Webnsites sperren die du garnicht verstehst?
Dann kannst du anfang auch gegen diese Site was zu unternehmen:
www.kosovo.com :tu:

Die AKSH ist eine Terror Organisation, welche von Michael Steiner direkt bei der UN registriert wurde. siehe Verfassungs Schutz Bericht, etwas weiter oben.