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Die Türkische Stahl Firma KURUM, stellt 150 Arbeiter ein


Die Türkische Stahl Firma KURUM, stellt 150 Arbeiter ein, weil eine neue Stahl Profil Produktkion eröffnet wird. Damit wird der Stahl Im port zugleich auf 50% gesenkt.

“Kurum” Increases Labour Power
Elbasan-The attitude of officials of the Turkish steel company, Kurum in Elbasan has changed in relation to its workers. “Kurum” company has increased the number of labour power. It came with the establishment of a new production line of profiles, where the lamination plant will hire 100 more workers, from 240 that is the actual number. Director of this plant, Medin Karanan was expressed that workers to be hired will be former metallurgists that actually are unemployed. The establishment of the new aluminium profiles plant reaches the value of US one million dollars.Kurum was supplied with 40 thousand tons steel profiles imported from Ukraine, Turkey and Greece. The establishment of this new line is expected to reduce by 50 per cent the imports of steel profiles.”