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Edi Rama erinnert an frühere Mafia Zentrum von Tirana


Trendy Tirana? Mayor Invigorates a Backwater Capital

By Colin WoodardTIRANA - It's lunchtime in the Albanian capital, and Mayor Edi Rama is charging through Rinia Park with a cellphone in one hand, a bodyguard at his back, and his scarlet-lined overcoat flashing in the breeze. "This park used to be filled with illegal structures - kiosks, stores, even three- and four-story buildings - and was the focus of criminality, prostitution, and drug dealing in the city," he says, gesturing at the pastoral surroundings with his free hand, while typing a text message into his phone with the other.
Hat Edi Rama Dreck am Stecken?

Fakt ist das Berisha und Fatos Nano plötzlich Edi Rama zusammen als Vorsitzenden der SP verhindern wollen.

Eine erstaunliche Verbindung, welche aber Insider nicht überraschen.

Nano-Berisha, a file against Edi Rama
Nano and Berisha are going to be together on block against the common rival Edi Rama.Nano is doing this, because he feels outraged by the mayor of Tirana, who is attacking or simply is criticising his misleading and misgoverning manners in the party, which resulted to a deep defeat in general elections of July 3; while the second one, Berisha, for the mockeries or again simply because Rama has always been harsh toward former leader of the opposition, today Albanian prime minister. Nano, according to some source, not any more so secret within the socialist party, does not like at all Rama takes the lead of the biggest opposition political force and this is related to diminutive opportunities that he might have in controlling the party. Coming of Edi Rama on the lead of SP would oppose the existing attitudes of Nano regarding to party developments, heading the country, relations with the opposition, with the not anymore ruling role of the socialist party, communicative skills and gathering around himself people who transformed SP to clan’s party, which represented groups of interest. Berisha, now, has as his main rival, after the momentary withdrawal of Nano, if we can say so, Rama. He through the investigative parliamentarian commission, at least according to socialists wanted to denigrate the figure Tirana’s mayor. A part of the documentation collected at that time by commission’s members of the opposition, which were photocopied, was given to Berisha and the other part was handed to the prosecution office. So far, no one has admitted or denied that during the meeting between the head of prosecution office and the new MP from DP, Lulzim Basha, was discussed about Rama’s files, so often-mentioned by the former opposition that is in power today. These files, no matter whether they are “zipped up” or not, “crude” or not, left apart on purpose or not, they are going to be the hook where Berisha thinks to “hang” Rama. The alliance between former head of socialists and Berisha appears to have a similar line, Rama. The attacks on what in DP is called “on the right moment” against Rama and in SP is called “when Nano says” will aim to put off-side the mayor of Tirana from leading the socialists. They seem to be divided in “in favour of Rama” and “against him”, starting from daily opinions articulated in the media, up to forum’s stances, where Petro Koci and others, Nano’s supporters will oppose electing the leader through the principal “one member one vote”, on which Rama is insisting
