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Eine antike Synagoge entdeckt in der Stadt Saranda


Die albanische Regierung hat beschlossen einer der ältesten Synagogen des Balkans zu schützen , das als archäologischen Gut erhalten ist

Eine britische-israelische Organisation hat angeboten, die Rekonstruktion und den Schutz dieser archäologischen Ort zu finanzieren


An antique synagogue discovered in Saranda town
Tirana, June 21 (AENews) – Albanian government has ordered the tearing down of several buildings in Saranda, a town in the south Riviera of Albania, in order to protect an important archeological site.

In all 16 buildings were to be torn down according to the decision of the urban management regulatory authority, government spokesman Aldrin Dalipi said Monday. The buildings were constructed over a very important archeological site.
The opposition has accused the government of exploiting the law to harass their supporters.

Most buildings had regular documentation from the time when the town was ruled by right wing opposition, back in 1993.

Around 200 people protested Monday against police trying to tear their buildings down. One family closed themselves inside their home in their attempt to prevent the police from destroying their house.

According to Edlira Çaushi, Director of Albanian Heritage Institute, these buildings were legally authorized by local government but this authorization was nullified by the law. Generally, government has recompensed owners in some similar causes where local government had issued buildings permits which were not in accordance with the law, however, in this case there was no recompense offered.
“The archeological site is very important for this town”, Edlira Çaushi says.
“We are working to prevent the loss of an antique castle. The site contains one of the oldest synagogues in the Balkans.

A British- Israeli organization has offered to finance the reconstruction and protection of the archeological site.
Mann, mich wundert es, was es alles noch in Albanien so antikes gibt... typisch Albanien, mystisch schön und unentdeckt, ...das schönste land der welt eben :P
Mr.LaLa schrieb:
Bei uns stehen die Synagogen ebend noch ÜBER der Erde und nicht UNTER! :roll:

dafür werden andere nationalitäten unter die erde gebracht,
in srebrenica um die 8000 menschen, in kosova um die 15,000 menschen nur von 1997-1999.

ach ja, gebäude die anderen gehören,verbrennt ihr gerne.

Aber sind die Synagogen, die über der Erde sind auch Antik?


Albanian Synagogue Surfaces
by Jennifer Pinkowski

Colorful mosaic pavements and the fifth- or sixth-century A.D. synagogue that housed them were unearthed in the Albanian coastal town of Saranda, opposite the Greek island of Corfu. It is the first time such remains have been found from this region and time period.

Albanian archaeologists first discovered remnants of a house of worship 20 years ago during an initial excavation of the site, when Communist prohibition of religion made a more thorough survey difficult. Because the structure had undergone multiple uses throughout the centuries--most recently as a Christian church--the synagogue remained well hidden for years. When further excavations uncovered evidence of the structure's Jewish past, the Archaeology Institute of the Albanian Academy of Sciences teamed up in 2003 with archaeologists from the Hebrew University Institute of Archaeology for a joint excavation.

The first mosaic pavement depicts items associated with Jewish holidays: a menorah, a citron tree, and a ram's horn. The other, located in the basilica of the synagogue, includes trees, animals, and the facade of a structure that may be a Torah shrine. Future excavations will venture beneath adjacent streets and buildings, where parts of the synagogue remain.



Remnants Of Ancient Synagogue In Albania Revealed

Impressive remnants from a synagogue dating from the 5th or 6th century, C.E., have been revealed in the city of Saranda, a coastal city in Albania, opposite the Greek island of Corfu.

Initial excavations at the site were conducted some 20 years ago when Albania was under tight Communist rule. The existence of the ancient synagogue has now come to light as the result of an invitation from the Archaeology Institute of the Albanian Academy of Sciences, asking the Hebrew University Institute of Archaeology to participate in a joint excavation and study project at the site.

Working in the past few weeks there have been Professors Ehud Netzer and Gideon Foerster of the Hebrew University, together with Albanian archaeologists Kosta Lako and Etleva Nalbani.

The synagogue that has been uncovered underwent various periods of use, including its conversion into a church at its last stage. Particularly noteworthy among the finds are two mosaic pavements.

One features at its center a seven-branched candelabrum (menorah) flanked by a citron (etrog) and a ram's horn (shofar), symbols associated with the Jewish holidays.

The other mosaic pavement, in the center section of the structure (the basilica), contains a number of representations, including a variety of animals, trees, symbols alluding to Biblical lore, and the facade of a structure resembling a temple (perhaps an aron kodesh (Torah shrine). Other mosaic pavements at the site preceded the building of the synagogue.

The Israeli researchers stressed the excellent relationship they enjoyed with their Albanian colleagues. In coming years the Hebrew University researchers hope to continue excavations and research in other parts of the structure, which are still covered by buildings and streets.