Im Krieg Osmanen gegen Skanderbeg , berichtete der türkische Historiker des Gerichtes , über die hohe Taperkeit und Mut der Albaner:
The Albanians, these Tigers of mountain wars , have as their religion rebellion. Even their worst warrior is one of the strongest and bravest on the battle-field, just as if he was a knight on the legendary horse. But he has no horse, nor proper weapons for battle. Instead of the horse, he has a lance which strikes as lightning, he has spears who's points are full of posion as the sting of hornets, he has also a wooden bow with some arrows. Furthermore, he is stronger than iron
Ibn Kemal, Historian of the Turkish court during Skanderbeg's war against the Turks.
Der türkische Belagerer der albanischen Stadt von Kruja war verzweifelt , das ausgerechnet die Albaner so unberechenbar und unbesiegbar waren als z.B die Griechen von Konstantinopel
The Albanians have been born to resist and disobey.
Dursam Bey, during the second siege of Kruja
They are strewn with the wreckage of dead Empires–past Powers–only the Albanian "goes on for ever."
Edith Durham
Einer bezeichnet die Albaner als äußerst wild aber auch zugleich edel
They are Nietzsche's over-men, these primitive Albanians — something between kings and tigers."
Henry Noel Brailsford
Die besondere Geschichte der Menscheit geschieht nur , wenn die Albaner auch dran teilnehmen , schreibt ein anderer
The true history of mankind will be written only when Albanians participate in it's writing."
Maximilian Lambertz
Mal waren die Berge und machten die Albaner unberechenbar und waren in vielen Orten als Soldaten , nur um Ruhm , Reichtum und besonders Kämpfe zusuchen
The story of the Albanians deserves a study in itself. Attracted by the 'sword, the gold trappings, and the honours, they left their mountains chiefly in order to become soldiers. In the sixteenth century they were to be found in Cyprus, in Venice, in Mantua, in Rome, in Naples, and Sicily, and as far abroad as Madrid, where they went to present their projects and their grievances, to ask for barrels of gunpowder or years of pension, arrogant, imperious, always ready for a fight."
Nicholas Pappas
Ein sehr nettes und naturliebendes Volk
Der Albaner bezeichnete ein bulgarischer Kenner dieses Volkes , sind ein zu Freiheitliebendes Volk , ja sogar arnachistisch wenns darum geht.
"isn't the Albanian, who, being a slave, did not allow enslavement, freedom-loving? This is a question that could hardly be understood by anyone who has not lived in Albania. The most liberty-loving people in the Balkans is the Albanian people. The Albanian, taken alone, as an individual, is an anarchist by nature. He would brook no bondage let alone on his people, he would not let anything, seen as possibly humiliating, befall his house. The Albanian house stands alone and apart from the rest..."
Description from a brilliant Bulgarian observer and connoisseur of Albania. (1924)
Die Osmanen hatten die Albaner bewundert , wegen ihrer starken Sinn für Ehre und sogar für die Notwendgkeit an Rache
Albanians are considered untouchable on the slave market because of their strong feelings for honour and the need for revenge.
Pasha Sulejman the Lightened
Die Osmanen , behaupten das die Albaner nichts anderes als nur Soldaten sein können, bzw ihre Art so entspricht usw
They may be only soldiers, but never let them get close to your plate, and don't make them kneel before you, if you don't intend to capitate them.
Pasha Sulejman the Lightened
Ein venezianischer Botschafter im Zeiten Skanderbegs schrieb:
Diese Albaner bewahren sehr die Traditionen ihrer Vorfahren und sind ein stolzes und sauberes Volk das nichts anderes will als Freiheit.
Gli Skipetarë sono un popolo che Conserva Intatte le Tradizioni dei loro antenati, un popolo orgoglioso E-Dassettato di Libertà“
Pietro Tassini, ambasciatore della Repubblica Di Venezia, nel 1455.
Das trifft die Albaner besonders zu:
Die werden das holen , was denen genommen wurde und Eruopa wird es denen wieder zurücgeben müssen
Schrieb ein chritlicher osmanischer Beamter über die Albaner
I assure you they are Bismarcks — veritable Bismarcks. Some day they will demand, and Europe will have to give them what they ask
A Christian Ottoman official speaking to Edith Durham about Albanians
The Albanians, these Tigers of mountain wars , have as their religion rebellion. Even their worst warrior is one of the strongest and bravest on the battle-field, just as if he was a knight on the legendary horse. But he has no horse, nor proper weapons for battle. Instead of the horse, he has a lance which strikes as lightning, he has spears who's points are full of posion as the sting of hornets, he has also a wooden bow with some arrows. Furthermore, he is stronger than iron
Ibn Kemal, Historian of the Turkish court during Skanderbeg's war against the Turks.
Der türkische Belagerer der albanischen Stadt von Kruja war verzweifelt , das ausgerechnet die Albaner so unberechenbar und unbesiegbar waren als z.B die Griechen von Konstantinopel
The Albanians have been born to resist and disobey.
Dursam Bey, during the second siege of Kruja
They are strewn with the wreckage of dead Empires–past Powers–only the Albanian "goes on for ever."
Edith Durham
Einer bezeichnet die Albaner als äußerst wild aber auch zugleich edel
They are Nietzsche's over-men, these primitive Albanians — something between kings and tigers."
Henry Noel Brailsford
Die besondere Geschichte der Menscheit geschieht nur , wenn die Albaner auch dran teilnehmen , schreibt ein anderer
The true history of mankind will be written only when Albanians participate in it's writing."
Maximilian Lambertz
Mal waren die Berge und machten die Albaner unberechenbar und waren in vielen Orten als Soldaten , nur um Ruhm , Reichtum und besonders Kämpfe zusuchen
The story of the Albanians deserves a study in itself. Attracted by the 'sword, the gold trappings, and the honours, they left their mountains chiefly in order to become soldiers. In the sixteenth century they were to be found in Cyprus, in Venice, in Mantua, in Rome, in Naples, and Sicily, and as far abroad as Madrid, where they went to present their projects and their grievances, to ask for barrels of gunpowder or years of pension, arrogant, imperious, always ready for a fight."
Nicholas Pappas
Ein sehr nettes und naturliebendes Volk
Der Albaner bezeichnete ein bulgarischer Kenner dieses Volkes , sind ein zu Freiheitliebendes Volk , ja sogar arnachistisch wenns darum geht.
"isn't the Albanian, who, being a slave, did not allow enslavement, freedom-loving? This is a question that could hardly be understood by anyone who has not lived in Albania. The most liberty-loving people in the Balkans is the Albanian people. The Albanian, taken alone, as an individual, is an anarchist by nature. He would brook no bondage let alone on his people, he would not let anything, seen as possibly humiliating, befall his house. The Albanian house stands alone and apart from the rest..."
Description from a brilliant Bulgarian observer and connoisseur of Albania. (1924)
Die Osmanen hatten die Albaner bewundert , wegen ihrer starken Sinn für Ehre und sogar für die Notwendgkeit an Rache
Albanians are considered untouchable on the slave market because of their strong feelings for honour and the need for revenge.
Pasha Sulejman the Lightened
Die Osmanen , behaupten das die Albaner nichts anderes als nur Soldaten sein können, bzw ihre Art so entspricht usw
They may be only soldiers, but never let them get close to your plate, and don't make them kneel before you, if you don't intend to capitate them.
Pasha Sulejman the Lightened
Ein venezianischer Botschafter im Zeiten Skanderbegs schrieb:
Diese Albaner bewahren sehr die Traditionen ihrer Vorfahren und sind ein stolzes und sauberes Volk das nichts anderes will als Freiheit.
Gli Skipetarë sono un popolo che Conserva Intatte le Tradizioni dei loro antenati, un popolo orgoglioso E-Dassettato di Libertà“
Pietro Tassini, ambasciatore della Repubblica Di Venezia, nel 1455.
Das trifft die Albaner besonders zu:
Die werden das holen , was denen genommen wurde und Eruopa wird es denen wieder zurücgeben müssen
Schrieb ein chritlicher osmanischer Beamter über die Albaner
I assure you they are Bismarcks — veritable Bismarcks. Some day they will demand, and Europe will have to give them what they ask
A Christian Ottoman official speaking to Edith Durham about Albanians