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EU kritisiert die Alb.Terroristen Verbindungen in Mazedonien


Hintergrund ist, das 200 Islamische Albanische Terroristen die Ortschaft Kondovo besetzten.

Diese UCK-ANA-KPC-AKSH Terroristen destabilisieren Mazedonien, weswegen die EU am Montag das Auftreten dieser Albanischen Terroristen beraten wird.

EU, Macedonia Disagree on Terrorist Threat in Country


SKOPJE, Macedonia -- While EU adviser Claude Monique describes the intensified activities of fundamentalists in Macedonia as the first step to terrorism, the interior ministry said Friday (10 December) there is no sign of terrorist activities in the country except for the group in the village of Kondovo. The group consists of former armed militants from Kosovo and southern Serbia, and members of the former National Liberation Army (NLA). But authorities doubt the group poses a serious threat to stability. The ministry submitted to parliament a confidential report on the matter, which will be discussed on Monday. (MIA, A1 TV - 10/12/04)
