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EU: Standards und Status müssen zusammen verwirklicht werden


EU: Standards und Status müssen zusammen verwirklicht werden

das ist die neueste massgebliche EU Erklärung!

Man sollte beachten, das dort Doris Pack (CDU) die Dinge in die
richtige Richtung schiebt.

Das heisst: @lupo Clan gibt die Richtung vor und nicht "Türsteher" Ramuz Haradinaj, oder Kasperle Petersen.


Brussels, 26 January 2005

Kosovo: 'standards and status' should go hand in hand The time has
come to discuss the final status of Kosovo, even though requirements
for a decision on this status have not been met. The UN policy of
'standards before status' for Kosovo has not yielded the desired
results after five years. These were the conclusions of a hearing
entitled "Kosovo: five years on", held at the European Parliament on

"Standards and status should go hand in hand," said Doris PACK
(EPP-ED, DE) at the end of the hearing, organised by the EP Foreign
Affairs Committee. Mrs Pack, who chairs the EP delegation for
relations with South East Europe, pointed out that the Kosovo
government is blamed for not meeting the required standards -
regarding e.g. the rule of law, the return of refugees, property
rights, a functioning economy - whereas it is not the Kosovo
government but only the UN which has the power to do this. The
Serbian province of Kosovo has been under UN administration since

At the start of the hearing, Misha GLENNY, a journalist and author on
the Balkans, stressed that this year and next year would be "crunch
years", in which either the region's history as "Europe's powder keg"
would come to an end, or, if negotiations on a final status fail,
there would be a real and grave risk of violence and an
intensification of social problems such as poverty and organised
crime. The economic situation in Kosovo had worsened and this could
lead to another outburst of social frustration, as happened in March
last year, he warned. The EU bore a large part of the responsibility
for the economic failure in Kosovo, where youth unemployment was
currently running at 70%. In any debate on Kosovo's future,
guaranteeing the security of the Serb minority was crucial,
especially as the Albanian and Serb communities in Kosovo were mixed
far more than it might seem at first. The key issue was thus to
persuade the Serbian government to consent to independence for

Mr Glenny pleaded for less stringent border controls, as tough border
regimes benefit terrorists and organised crime. He also pointed to
the lack of communication and understanding between Belgrade and
Pri¹tina, which should have been overcome by the UN special envoy.

Professor Jacques RUPNIK, of the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches
Internationales (CERI) in Paris, spoke of a process of regression,
not only in Kosovo, as demonstrated by the events of March last year,
but also in Belgrade, where the political elites are no longer
willing to address the issue, and in the international community,
which is unable to ensure security and is in confusion over the
purpose of its protectorate in Kosovo. Mr Rupnik agreed that the
treatment of the Serbian minority would be the litmus test for the

