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Fähre Triest - Durres kracht in Fischer Boote in Durres


Wegen dem schweren Sturm in der Adria, gab es im Hafen von Durres einen schweren Chrash. wo 3 Fischer Boote schwer beschädigt wurden.

Auch wenn es nicht im Artikel steht, so hat die Hafenmeisterei Schuld, denn jede Fähre muss einen Lotzen an Bord nehmen inklusive Schlepper Hilfe,wenn es stürmt. Dafür muss die Fährlinie immer bezahlen.

Anscheinend hat die Hafen Direktion, die Schlepper hilfe nicht angefordert.

The ferry collides with fishing boats
Durres- Yesterday’s storm has created chaos in Durres Port.Although the morning appeared to be a nice sunny day with a calm sea, all of a sudden, an unexpected storm overthrew everything. Wave’s intensity reached eight degree, while the wind speed exceeded 100 metre per second. This situation caused the collision of “Greccia” ferry with fishing boats “Tre Deshmoret e Kavajes”, “Jaho Kodra”, and “Loreta”. “The ferry’s hawser got broken and crashed over the fishing boats. We were five people on board and god saved us as the rescue boat arrived one hour later. We were only 50-60 metres away from the ferry, but hawser’s force was too high,”- tells one of the sailors of the fishing boat “Jaho Kodra”, Simon Gjergji. The director of Durres Fishing Management, Qemal Beu said the two fishing boats “Tre Deshmoret” and Jaho Kodra” are crashed into pieces and each of them costs 50 thousand euros. “They should go in the ships’ repairing yard otherwise they could not sail anymore. Thank to weather that did not last longer otherwise here would have occurred a catastrophe,” – Beu said. According to him, the fishing port, about which, there are two years of discussions, takes five years to be constructed. “If they do not want to give us a jetty, we are going to auto-act, anchoring the ships in the eastern quay, where they are more protected from storms,” – Beu said. Speaking about the collision that fortunately resulted without human victims, the port’s captain Muharrem Tupja said the ferry “Greccia” suffered a shunt from the strong waves. According to him, all ships’ and fishing boats’ owners are ordered to take precautions against the bad weather. “The responsibility about this chaotic situation falls upon port authorities,” – Tupja said.
