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Finnland öffnet seinen Arbeitsmarkt für Bulgarien + Rumänien


Finland Opens Labour Market for Bulgaria, Romania in 2007

On EU Doorstep: 15 March 2006, Wednesday.

Citizens of Romania and Bulgaria will be freely admitted to Finland's labour market as of January 2007, when they are scheduled to join the EU, Finnish parliament unanimously decided.

As of May 1 this year Finland will also remove restrictions on the free movement of labour for the eight new member countries from Central Europe that joined the bloc in 2004.

The proposal, which was submitted to the Finnish parliament by the government, halts the special transitional arrangements that limit the free mobility of labour from the new EU member states.

Until now Britain, Ireland and Sweden have been the only old EU countries to embrace workers from the new members, and other countries have until the end of April to decide if they too would give up restrictions.

The government argued that the labour markets of countries that did not introduce any transition period (such as Sweden, Great Britain, and Ireland) have not experienced major shocks.

The restrictions on workers from the new member states have included demands for work permits - which some countries limit with quotas - but do not apply to workers from Cyprus or Malta, which also joined the bloc in 2004.

The measures are supposed to be phased out over a seven-year period, with the first of the three phases due to end on April 30, as EU states are not allowed to discriminate against workers on the basis of nationality.

Quelle: http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=60535

Bravo, Finnland, ein vernünftiges Land, das was von europäischer Integration versteht. Großbrittanien, Irland und Schweden hatten ja auch keine Problenme damit gehabt, ihren Arbeitsmarkt für die Neumitglieder von 2004 zu öffnen.
:bounce: :biggrin: :D :greenjumpers:
Auch Spanien öffnet nun seinen Arbeitsmarkt

Spain Opens Its Labor Market for Bulgarian and Romanian Workers

Bulgarian and Romanian laborers will be free to take up jobs in Spain starting January 1,2009, the Spanish agency Europa Press reported as cited by the BTA.

The Spanish cabinet decided not to extend the restrictions on migrant workers from Bulgaria and Romania after the expiration of the first two-year transit period after the two countries joined the EU on January 1, 2007.

Spain's Minister of Labor and Immigration Celestino Corbacho is quoted as saying that there was no point in such restrictions any more.

The Spanish government has noted the high economic growth in Bulgaria and Romania, and its analyses show that the flow of migrant workers might soon turn in the other direction - Bulgarian and Romanian laborers might leave Spain for their home countries.

The authorities in Madrid are also hopeful that the recent campaigns by the Romanian and Bulgarian governments to attract back their immigrants would turn out to be successful.

Bulgaria Spain Opens Its Labor Market for Bulgarian and Romanian Workers: Spain Opens Its Labor Market for Bulgarian and Romanian Workers
Sicher ist dass Deutschland, Österreich, Holland, Griechenland, Großbritannien und Irland die Einschränkungen behalten werden. Luxemburg und Belgien behalten nur teilweise die Einschränkungen, während Frankreich voraussichtlich Spaniens Beispiel nehmen wird und seinen Arbeistmakt komplett öffnen wird.

Die restlichen EU-Staaten haben keine Einschränkungen.