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Griechen wollen türkische Insel kaufen!

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· Lesbos residents raising £11m for nearby land
· Ankara would retain sovereignty over territory

Helena Smith in Athens
Monday April 2, 2007
The Guardian

The Greek islanders of Lesbos are planning to buy a tiny Turkish island several miles the other side of the maritime border in what would be an unprecedented exchange of real estate between the arch-rival nations.Lesbos's 100,000-strong population has signalled it wants to raise the $22m (£11m) price tag on the island of Garip, whose pine-clad interior is visible across the Aegean from the Greek island.
Where diplomacy and military might have failed, commerce could prevail if the self-proclaimed Lesbians manage to pull off the "conquest" peacefully. "Any Greek would want to buy Turkish territory," the island's prefect, Pavlos Voyiatzis told the mass-selling weekly Proto Thema. "Especially territory of historic importance."

Kann Turgaye doch froh sein. Ist ja nett von den Griechen das sie sich um die Kasse der Türgayn kümmern.

Der Thread ist schwachsinn. Man kauft nix was einen gehört :!:
Die Seite ist dann schwachsinn nicht der Thread ;)

hellASS 4 Never
Hey Türgay :!: :!: :!: :!:

Sieht du da gibts du selber zu das die Seite Schwachsinn ist :wink: :wink: lol

Turgaye 4 never ever!!! :twisted: lol