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Harte Strafen,gegen die UCK Propanda und Erpressungen b.ICTY


Es werden gegen jede Art von Erpressung, Manipulation auch gegen Medien extrem harte Strafen durch den ICTY ausgesprochen. Ebenso gegen jede Art von Bedrohung von Zeugen, wie es die UCK Verbrecher traditional praktizieren.

Klare Worte !!! Klare Strafen !!!

Measures for the Protection of Victims and Witnesses

(A) A Judge or a Chamber may, proprio motu or at the request of either
party, or of the victim or witness concerned, or of the Victims and
Witnesses Section, order appropriate measures for the privacy and
protection of victims and witnesses, provided that the measures are
consistent with the rights of the accused.

(B) A Chamber may hold an in camera proceeding to determine whether to

(i) measures to prevent disclosure to the public or the media of the
identity or whereabouts of a victim or a witness, or of persons related
to or associated with a victim or witness by such means as:

(a) expunging names and identifying information from the Tribunal's
public records;

(b) non-disclosure to the public of any records identifying the victim;

(c) giving of testimony through image- or voice- altering devices or
closed circuit television; and

(d) assignment of a pseudonym;

(ii) closed sessions, in accordance with Rule 79;

(iii) appropriate measures to facilitate the testimony of vulnerable
victims and witnesses, such as one-way closed circuit television.

Anyone violating such an order, including the media, can, pursuant to
Rule 77, be subject to a term of imprisonment of up to seven years and a
fine of Euro 100,000.


For further information please call: +31 (70) 512-5343 or 512-5356.


Also @Nitec Komiker! und Kollegen!

Deine Bedrohungen, Manipulationen und Faschisten Propanda kann Dir bis 7 Jahre Gefängnis und 100.000 € Strafe bringen. lt den neuen ITCY Regeln.

Alles läuft nach Plan @lupo eben!