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Hashim Thaci klare Aussage, für Gespräche mit den Nachbarn


In diesen Tagen, vollzieht sich eine grosse Wende im Kosovo. Selbst die radikalsten Albaner Führer sprechen nun hiervon:

"Wir müssen mit unseren Nachbarn reden, und nicht über den Kosovo Status"

Hintergrund dürfte die absolute desolate Zukunft des Kosovo seins, wenn es nicht zu einem friedlichen Neben Einander kommt.

Der KFOR Kommandeur, meint nun das Gespräche Mitte 2005 beginnen können. Nur hat dies der Franzöische General nicht zu bestimmen.

"We Should Conduct Talks With Our Neighbours, But Not About Kosovo Statute"

OCUS News Agency http://www.focus-fen.net/index.php?catid=144&newsid=54367&ch=0&datte=200 4-12-22


New Kosovo MPs Swear In

22 December 2004 | 14:48 | FOCUS News Agency

Pristina. The new Kosovo MPs swore in at Parliament today, announced the media in Kosovo. The members of the new cabinet will also be suggested at the session today. From 101 MPs who were present at the hall 66 voted "yes" and 33 abstained. After that the Prime Minister of the new cabinet Ramus Haradinaj presented the program of the government at the MPs. According to him it included program aspects for successful management through the mandate for the continuous and permanent development of Kosovo and turning it into an independent state. Haradinaj claims that there is no platform in his program for negotiations concerning the final statute of the province since it will be presented to the Parliament when the time comes. ________________________________________________________________ http://www.focus-fen.net/index.php?catid=144&newsid=54362&ch=0&datte=200 4-12-22

Hashim Thaci, Leader of Democratic Party of Kosovo: We Should Conduct Talks With Our Neighbours, But Not About Kosovo Statute

22 December 2004 | 13:46 | FOCUS News Agency

Pristina. We should conduct talks with our neighbours, but they should not be related to the political statute of Kosovo, said leader of the oppositional Democratic Party of Kosovo Hashim Thaci after he met with Fernando Gentilini, special envoy of EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana, reported Kosovo media.

Hashim Thaci said that just the Kosovo citizens' wish for independent state should be considered. He was optimistic of the readiness of the Kosovo institutions to meet the standards so that a decision on the Kosovo statute could be taken in the middle of 2005.

KFOR Commander, sagt, das Mitte 2005 Gespräche beginnen können, über den Kosovo Status

KFOR Commander Says Talks on Kosovo's Status Likely in Mid-2005


PRISTINA, Kosovo, Serbia-Montenegro -- The commander of KFOR, French Lieutenant General Yves de Kermabon, said Wednesday (22 December) that discussions about Kosovo's final status could begin in mid-2005. He told the Pristina-based news agency KosovaLive that this could happen if the provincial institutions intensify efforts to meet the standards outlined by the international community. He added that recent developments -- including peaceful elections and political agreement regarding the new cabinet -- suggest that current challenges could be overcome. (KosovaLive, Makfax - 22/12/04)