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Wo wuerdet ihr euch und/oder die Gemeinschaft der ihr angehoert oder hineingeboren seid, zuordnen? Shame, Guilt, Fear?
Ihr koennt auch mit einem hybrid antworten.
Ich selbst wuerde Serbien zu einer Honour/Shame-gesellschaft zuordnen
Einfach deswegen da die Orthodoxe Kirche in meinen Augen diesen Prinzipien folgt und sie das Fundament der Serbischen Ethnie ist.
(damit hab ich wenigstens einen Standpunkt bezogen).
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Eure Selbsteinschaetzung wuerde mich sehr interessieren.
Sociologists have recognized that three social issues have existed since earliest times. As civilizations formed, each of them grappled with the concept of fear, shame and guilt. These are, in essence the building blocks of society. Every society has its particular ways of dealing with these issues. And each of these issues have different importance, depending on the cultural makeup of that society.
QuelleShame Based Cultures
In the Middle East two methods are recognized. First, a skillful ruler, through diplomatic efforts and displays of great wisdom, can end disputes. Solomon's dealings with the two mothers who claimed the same baby displayed the kind of wisdom that Arabs appreciate and desire in their rulers. The second kind of ruler crushes all of the tribes and by force makes them submit to himself. Peace may then rule, but once the controlling power is removed, old animosities return. This is well illustrated in the Balkans conflict where the domination of communism brought about a measure of peace. Once freedom returned however, old conflicts and animosities flared again.
insgesamt sehr lesenswert.
Wo wuerdet ihr euch und/oder die Gemeinschaft der ihr angehoert oder hineingeboren seid, zuordnen? Shame, Guilt, Fear?
Ihr koennt auch mit einem hybrid antworten.
Guilt <-------> Innocence
Shame <-------> Honor
Fear <-------> Power
Ich selbst wuerde Serbien zu einer Honour/Shame-gesellschaft zuordnen
Einfach deswegen da die Orthodoxe Kirche in meinen Augen diesen Prinzipien folgt und sie das Fundament der Serbischen Ethnie ist.
(damit hab ich wenigstens einen Standpunkt bezogen).
Der Text unterstuetzt mich in soweit:
The Eastern Scene
Christianity in the east, however, developed differently. Eastern theologians did not use Roman law as a vehicle for interpreting the gospel. Rather, the eastern world was caught up in the shame-honor relationship that was prevalent in societies scattered from the Middle East to the Far East. Eastern Orthodox theology didn't deal directly with sin, guilt, and redemption.
Eure Selbsteinschaetzung wuerde mich sehr interessieren.