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How many people of the Balkans in germany?

Do not lean too much out of the window


To answer ur question i would estimate that there are approx. 1,5 million people from the balkans living in germany.
Hi i have the questions for people balkan living in germany.
How many people of the Balkans in germany?
P.S numbers taken from sites official that do the census.

Il numero di stranieri ( Balcani) residenti in Germania è di :

1.607.161 (Turchia)
283.684 (Grecia)
197.984. (Serbia)
223.014. (Croazia)
153.460. (Bosnia)
67.147. (Macedonia)
93.889. (Bulgaria)
10.294. (Albania)
15.212 (Montenegro)
136.937 ( Kosovo)

Sorry ! Parlo solo un po' di italiano. Tu parli spagnolo, francese ?