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Israel verschenkt Waffen/Kohle/Afrikaner


Israel spendiert Waffen- und Wirtschaftshilfe, an die Länder, die bereit sind afrikanische Einwanderer aufzunehmen.

Gökhan Aydınoğlu;3786955 schrieb:
Was sollen erst die Afrikaner sagen? Achja die haben nichts zu melden............

Irgendwie hast du immer Recht.

Faschos würden jetzt sagen, dass es im Grunde genommen richtig ist den Multikulturalismus zu begrenzen. Ich finde diesen "Deal" Menschenverachtend.

Israel will pay countries in weapons and economic aid if they take African immigrants

Ynet News
- Senior official says deal nearly sealed with African countries to take tens of thousands of migrants in exchange for arms, military training, knowledge and training.

Israel is close to signing a deal with several African countries who will accept tens of thousands of African migrants currently residing in Israel in exchange for a benefits package including security, economic and agricultural aid.

Such deals are close to being finalized with at least three African countries, the official said. Israel's chief negotiator in the talks was Hagai Hadas, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's special advisor.

Another Israeli official added that Israel continues to explore the possibility of returning North Sudanese and Eritrean migrants to their home countries.

According to data presented on Monday to the government, it appears that on the first half of 2013 only 34 migrants crossed the Egyptian border into Israel. "The fence we've built is highly significant in buffeting the infiltration into Israel," Netanyahu said.

But some related the drastic fall in the number of new migrants to the restrictions on employing migrants, including the limitation on migrants' sending money home.

Israel will pay countries in weapons and economic aid if they take African immigrants

Ja, Israel macht sich schon um seine ethnische Sauberkeit, wie sie von Zionisten gewünscht wird, große Sorgen. Nicht nur wegen der Palästinenser, langsam werden auch die Zuwanderer ein Problem sein. In der geographischen Lage wo er ist, ist es schon ganz schwierig, sie zu behalten.

Und ob man das für immer dadurch lösen kann, indem man korrupte Regimes bestecht, ist auch fraglich..