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Jovan Divjak


Mich würde Eure Meinung zu Jovan Divjak interessieren.

Jovan Divjak (Born March 11, 1937 in Belgrade, Serbia) was a general in the Bosnian army during the 1992-1995 Bosnian War. He was the highest ranking ethnic Serb in the army and one of its most educated and experianced officers.

He was born in Serbia while his father was stationed there in the army. Originally his family comes from Bosnia and he currently resides in Sarajevo.

From 1956 to 1959 he attended the Military Academy in Belgrade. In 1964 and 1965 the l'Ecole d'Etat Majeur in Paris.From 1969 to 1971 the Cadets Academy in Belgrade and from 1979 to 1981 the War and Defense Planning School in Belgrade.

After several posts in the JNA, Divjak was Territorial Defense Chief in command of the sector Mostar from 1984 to 1989 and same for the sector Sarajevo from 1989 to 1991. In 1991/2 Jovan Divjak was court-marshalled by the JNA for issuing 120 pieces of light armour and 20,000 bullets to the Kiseljak Territorial Defense, and sentenced to 9 months imprisonment.

On April 8th, 1992, Divjak became Deputy Commander of BiH's Territorial Defense forces and a month later oversaw the defence of Sarajevo from a major JNA attack. Between 1993-1997 General Divjak was Deputy Commander of the BiH Army's Headquarters, charged with the cooperation with civilian institutions and organisations (administration, economy, health, education).


oh man musste das sein ? als ich ein bild von ihm uploadete kam es zu einem grossen streit zwischen mir und legija
Strela schrieb:
Mich würde Eure Meinung zu Jovan Divjak interessieren.

Jovan Divjak (Born March 11, 1937 in Belgrade, Serbia) was a general in the Bosnian army during the 1992-1995 Bosnian War. He was the highest ranking ethnic Serb in the army and one of its most educated and experianced officers.

He was born in Serbia while his father was stationed there in the army. Originally his family comes from Bosnia and he currently resides in Sarajevo.

From 1956 to 1959 he attended the Military Academy in Belgrade. In 1964 and 1965 the l'Ecole d'Etat Majeur in Paris.From 1969 to 1971 the Cadets Academy in Belgrade and from 1979 to 1981 the War and Defense Planning School in Belgrade.

After several posts in the JNA, Divjak was Territorial Defense Chief in command of the sector Mostar from 1984 to 1989 and same for the sector Sarajevo from 1989 to 1991. In 1991/2 Jovan Divjak was court-marshalled by the JNA for issuing 120 pieces of light armour and 20,000 bullets to the Kiseljak Territorial Defense, and sentenced to 9 months imprisonment.

On April 8th, 1992, Divjak became Deputy Commander of BiH's Territorial Defense forces and a month later oversaw the defence of Sarajevo from a major JNA attack. Between 1993-1997 General Divjak was Deputy Commander of the BiH Army's Headquarters, charged with the cooperation with civilian institutions and organisations (administration, economy, health, education).



habe nie vom diesem mann gehört,Strela.
hoffe du kannst mich einbisschen aufklären :)
Schiptar schrieb:
Schade, daß es nicht mehr bosnische Serben wie ihn gab/gibt.

sicher gibts leider wenige aber trotzdem hass ich nicht alle serben ausser lügner und cetniks in der gleiche truppe meines vaters war 1 serbe und auf der andere seite also mit den serben war sein bruder krass sowas finde ich . leider wurde dieser mann getötet nek mu je lahka zemlja
Onkel_Obrva schrieb:
Schiptar schrieb:
Schade, daß es nicht mehr bosnische Serben wie ihn gab/gibt.

sicher gibts leider wenige aber trotzdem hass ich nicht alle serben ausser lügner und cetniks in der gleiche truppe meines vaters war 1 serbe und auf der andere seite also mit den serben war sein bruder krass sowas finde ich

ej was heisst eigentlich "Bosanku rodilla"?oder so ähnlich,hab nämlich so ne cd geschenkt gekriegt......