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KämPfe zwischen IRAN und kurdische PJAK ;115 Tote

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Die KämPfe zwischen IRAN und kurdische PJAK geht seit gestern nacht weiter... Anzahl der toten ; ..
laut anf/ Firat News Agency sind seit gestern min. 108 iranische soldaten und 7 PJAK Mitglieder tot..

Die PJAK KämPft fur kurdische rechte in Iran. Bei PJAK sind auch viele Iraner die gegen Iranische Regime KämPfen wollen.


english: Dozens of Iranian soldiers died as fighting intensified | ANF ENGLISH

turkish: PJAK-ran atmalar iddetleniyor | ANF


ozens of Iranian soldiers were killed by Kurdish PJAK (Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan) guerrillas as a result of a large scale operation launched by the Iranian army. The Iranian army has crossed the borders of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan.

Heavy fighting continued trough Sunday. The operation was started by the Iranian army on Saturday morning.

108 Iranian soldiers killed

108 Iranian soldiers were killed in the fighting in the last 24 hours. The clashes were fiercer in Katumani (where 40 soldiers are said to have been killed) and Berdenaze (where 15 soldiers died), two border regions on the eastern side of Mount Kandil, said a spokesman for PJAK.

The other 53 soldiers were killed in the night from Saturday to Sunday in Sardasht, a border town in Iranian Kurdistan, and Dola Koke, in the region of Kandil.

The Kurdish armed organization claims to have lost seven guerrillas in the clashes.

Iran also has transferred dozens of wounded soldiers to hospitals in Sanandaj, in Piranshahr and Orumieh, according to local sources.

Sunday afternoon, PJAK forces launched an attack against Iranian troops in the area of Deshta Wezne in Kandil. At the time of writing it was not known the number of losses suffered in this last attack by the Iranian army.

It is claimed that the army began to retreat to 15.30 against the resistance of the Kurdish guerrillas, but for the PJAK, the military picks up his troops to launch a new attack.


The Iranian regime routinely hides its heavy losses and deprive its citizens free access to information. Indeed it has made no statement on the true nature of the events happening in the country. Not a day go by without violation of human rights in everyday life, such as torture, unfair arrests, executions extrajudicial hangings, state violence against women.

On the other hand the government in Baghdad, the Kurdish authorities and the international community still keep silent about the violation of Iraqi border by the Iranian military.



Report: Iranians seize Kurdish bases in Iraq - Yahoo! News

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces have taken control of three bases of an Iranian Kurdish opposition group in neighboring Iraq, the state news agency reported Monday.
IRNA quoted Colonel Delavar Ranjbarzadeh, a local commander of the powerful Revolutionary Guard, as saying "a large number" of members of the Iranian Kurdish opposition group PEJAK have been killed in fierce clashes over the past two days. The clashes are still ongoing.
"Three bases in Iraqi territory were providing assistance to the "terrorists". ... All the bases have fallen into the hands of the (Iranian) forces," IRNA quoted Ranjbarzadeh as saying. He said PEJAK rebels have sustained a "heavy and historic defeat."
PEJAK rebels say Iranian forces entered Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdish region to fight them. They claim that rebels have killed 53 Iranian soldiers and wounded 43 while only two PEJAK members were killed and seven wounded in clashes.
Iran threatened last week to attack PEJAK bases in Iraqi Kurdistan after accusing the president of the regional government, Massoud Barzani, of providing bases to the group without informing the central government in Baghdad.
PEJAK, which stands in Kurdish for the "Party of Free Life of Kurdistan," has been involved in sporadic armed clashes with Iranian forces in recent years. The rebels say they are fighting for greater rights for their minority community.
Iran has accused the U.S., Britain and Israel of seeking to incite tension on Iran's borders to undermine the government in Tehran, charges those countries have denied.
Iran has sporadically bombed PEJAK bases deep inside Iraqi Kurdistan.
108 iraner sind nun insgesamt tot in 3 teile von kandil gebirge.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich finde Muslime sollten sich nicht gegenseitig bekriegen. Das ist eine grosse Sünde.
Das Regime muss untergehen. Iraner an sich mag ich, sind gute Menschen.
wie geht das das nur 7 pjak gestorben und 108 iraner umslebengekommen ?? können die iraner nicht schießen oder haben die pjak kräft von denn wiur nix wissen ??
wie geht das das nur 7 pjak gestorben und 108 iraner umslebengekommen ?? können die iraner nicht schießen oder haben die pjak kräft von denn wiur nix wissen ??

pjak gazeteleri epeyce atmislar:)

İran'da 5 PJAK'lı Öldürüldü

17.07.2011 - 19:35
İran'ın Irak sınırı yakınlarında yaşanan çatışmada, 5 PJAK mensubunun öldürüldüğü bildirildi. Çatışmalarda bir İran askerinin de öldüğü kaydedildi.

İRAN - İran resmi haber ajansı İrna'nın haberine göre, dün gece Irak sınırı yakınlarındaki Serdaş kasabasında yaşanan çatışmalarda, 5 PJAK mensubu öldürüldü.

Dün gece başlayarak sabah saatlerine kadar süren ve PJAK'a ait bir karargahın imha edildiği belirtilen çatışmalarda, bir İran askerinin de öldüğü kaydedildi.
ran'da 5 PJAK'l ldrld Haberi - RAN 17 Temmuz 2011 Pazar Son Dakika Haberleri
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