Den Kosovo Behörden soll ja mehr Kompetenz nach den Wahlen gegeben werden. In diesem Fall für STrom
Gemeint ist wohl, das die ihre Strom Abschaltungen selbst regelen sollen, denn die Region geht zurück in dei Steinzeit.
Die bezahlen keinen Strom und deshalb geht es nur um das Abschalten der Verbraucher. Wälder holzen sie auch ab und was dann?
on Kosovalive-website
weekly review
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Monday, October 11, 2004
UNMIK Transfers Most of Competencies on Energy
PRISHTINA (KosovaLive) – UNMIK transferred most of the competencies on energy, according to an agreement signed by the PM, Bajram Rexhepi and UNMIK Pillar IV chief, Nikolaus Lambsdorff.
The Office of Energy was co-headed by UNMIK and Government, and now with completion of staff it was trusted to the Government.
PM Rexhepi said that UNMIK chief, Soren Jessen-Petersen promised him that the Ministry on Energy and Natural Resources would be established within the new Government.
Nikolaus Lambsdorff said that the power transfer is a result of good cooperation between the locals and internationals. “Energy is important for those who live in Kosovo and this should not be political issue, but in what we are doing today politics takes part as well,� he said.
Lambsdorff said that SRSG is ready for transferring competences in other areas, as well.
Gemeint ist wohl, das die ihre Strom Abschaltungen selbst regelen sollen, denn die Region geht zurück in dei Steinzeit.
Die bezahlen keinen Strom und deshalb geht es nur um das Abschalten der Verbraucher. Wälder holzen sie auch ab und was dann?
on Kosovalive-website
weekly review
Top stories from Kosovalive this week…
Monday, October 11, 2004
UNMIK Transfers Most of Competencies on Energy
PRISHTINA (KosovaLive) – UNMIK transferred most of the competencies on energy, according to an agreement signed by the PM, Bajram Rexhepi and UNMIK Pillar IV chief, Nikolaus Lambsdorff.
The Office of Energy was co-headed by UNMIK and Government, and now with completion of staff it was trusted to the Government.
PM Rexhepi said that UNMIK chief, Soren Jessen-Petersen promised him that the Ministry on Energy and Natural Resources would be established within the new Government.
Nikolaus Lambsdorff said that the power transfer is a result of good cooperation between the locals and internationals. “Energy is important for those who live in Kosovo and this should not be political issue, but in what we are doing today politics takes part as well,� he said.
Lambsdorff said that SRSG is ready for transferring competences in other areas, as well.