Ist ne albanische Quelle, aber Bilder sagen mehr als 1000Worte
1. In front of many just wars, even on the brinks of the 21th century, in front of the incalculable sacrifices and hopes of the Albanians for National Reunification, we have thrown only patience and tolerance without limits to the international representatives that serve the aims and the interests of the colonizers. The situation “heave and don't break” is a situation of keeping hostage our century-long aspiration and preserves the colonial situation in the majority of the Albanian territories. This creates instability and threatening perspectives for the Albanian nation and for Balkans.
Serbian Army for Liberation of Kosova (on the left side, the commander of the bridge watchers)
2. In the actual situation and stage, the reasons and the arguments to initiate the epigram of alarm: “THE ENDANGERED NATION!” become obvious. We aim with this to touch the raw of the patriotic conscience of all the Albanians, we appeal to become masters of out natural rights, to say “STOP!” to the greed and the tactics of the enemies and to the international line “heave and don't break”, of all the bargains, games and tentatives with the fate and the life of the most ancient people in Balkans. We demand to the politicians to judge and to act in a fully patriotic manner and to cast aside their own commodity and rhetorics; the intellectuals and the academicians have to lead as the brain of the action and of the elite with patriotic conscience, by surmounting their apathy and indifferentism proved until now.
Serbian Army for Liberation of Kosova (on the right side, the commander of the bridge watchers)
3. In front of the critical situation and the lack of perspective, we call by necessity on November 28, 2006 the Albanian nationwide Convention in Tirana, where it has to be debated with wiseness and maturity the situation and the perspectives of our national issue and where the Albanians National Assembly (A.N.A.) has to be elected and institutionalized. This activity demands necessarily the mind and the heart of the official organisms of the Republic of Albanian and Kosova, of the Academies of Sciences (Tirana-Prishtina), of the political parties and Albanian patriotic societies.
Serbian Army for Liberation of Kosova ( the first on the left, the commander of the bridge watchers in civil clothes, identified and photographied by the Albanian National Security - ANS of ANUF on the Ibar Bridge)
(Foto gemacht von der albanischen Vereinigungsfront)
4. We will proceed with this step and patriotic political activity in such a manner that the cup of patience of the Albanians and is special of the A.N.U.F. armed wing, the Albanian National Army (A.N.A.), the bearer of the authentically patriotic will, present in all the Albanian territories, conquered and treated as colonies, to achieve not at the boil point. The Albanian Nationwide Convention becomes the stand of the coordination of the patriotic activities, while the Albanian National Assembly becomes the leader of the will and Convention's decisions for democratic realization of the Albanian nationwide aspirations.
Die tun mir irgendwie Leid, auf was die sich da einlassen!
Die Serben in Zentral- oder Südkosovo sind jetzt besonders gefährdet, sollte ein Krieg ausbrechen! Da sie von ihren Landsleuten im Norden abgeschnitten sind!
1. In front of many just wars, even on the brinks of the 21th century, in front of the incalculable sacrifices and hopes of the Albanians for National Reunification, we have thrown only patience and tolerance without limits to the international representatives that serve the aims and the interests of the colonizers. The situation “heave and don't break” is a situation of keeping hostage our century-long aspiration and preserves the colonial situation in the majority of the Albanian territories. This creates instability and threatening perspectives for the Albanian nation and for Balkans.

Serbian Army for Liberation of Kosova (on the left side, the commander of the bridge watchers)
2. In the actual situation and stage, the reasons and the arguments to initiate the epigram of alarm: “THE ENDANGERED NATION!” become obvious. We aim with this to touch the raw of the patriotic conscience of all the Albanians, we appeal to become masters of out natural rights, to say “STOP!” to the greed and the tactics of the enemies and to the international line “heave and don't break”, of all the bargains, games and tentatives with the fate and the life of the most ancient people in Balkans. We demand to the politicians to judge and to act in a fully patriotic manner and to cast aside their own commodity and rhetorics; the intellectuals and the academicians have to lead as the brain of the action and of the elite with patriotic conscience, by surmounting their apathy and indifferentism proved until now.

Serbian Army for Liberation of Kosova (on the right side, the commander of the bridge watchers)
3. In front of the critical situation and the lack of perspective, we call by necessity on November 28, 2006 the Albanian nationwide Convention in Tirana, where it has to be debated with wiseness and maturity the situation and the perspectives of our national issue and where the Albanians National Assembly (A.N.A.) has to be elected and institutionalized. This activity demands necessarily the mind and the heart of the official organisms of the Republic of Albanian and Kosova, of the Academies of Sciences (Tirana-Prishtina), of the political parties and Albanian patriotic societies.

Serbian Army for Liberation of Kosova ( the first on the left, the commander of the bridge watchers in civil clothes, identified and photographied by the Albanian National Security - ANS of ANUF on the Ibar Bridge)
(Foto gemacht von der albanischen Vereinigungsfront)
4. We will proceed with this step and patriotic political activity in such a manner that the cup of patience of the Albanians and is special of the A.N.U.F. armed wing, the Albanian National Army (A.N.A.), the bearer of the authentically patriotic will, present in all the Albanian territories, conquered and treated as colonies, to achieve not at the boil point. The Albanian Nationwide Convention becomes the stand of the coordination of the patriotic activities, while the Albanian National Assembly becomes the leader of the will and Convention's decisions for democratic realization of the Albanian nationwide aspirations.
Die tun mir irgendwie Leid, auf was die sich da einlassen!
Die Serben in Zentral- oder Südkosovo sind jetzt besonders gefährdet, sollte ein Krieg ausbrechen! Da sie von ihren Landsleuten im Norden abgeschnitten sind!