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Kosovo has seen a higher-than-expected rise in tax revenues

Prishtina, KOSOVO - “The overall amount of money collected during the period January-April 2008 was €12.7 million more than expected for this period, namely an increase of 19.4 percent,” Kosovo’s Tax Administration said.

“Some of the factors that have influenced this rise in revenues is better communication with taxpayers, organising seminars for taxpayers, better efficiency in controlling taxpayers and in collecting debts and other outstanding payments,” the agency said.

Kosovo officials announced in late 2007 that the budget for 2008 will exceed €1 billion, compared to 2007 when it was around €718 million.

Most of this budget has traditionally relied on tax revenues, and so an increase in revenues will be good news for the government as it tries to increase its budget.

Regierung hat von Januar bis April 2008 12.7 Mio. € mehr an Steuern als bisher eingenommen, was an der verbesserten Kommunikation, Seminaren und verstärkten Kontrollen liegt. somit steigt auch das Budget (voraussichtlich) um 282 Mio für das Jahr 2008
Das beste forensische Labor der Region in Prishtina!

Science and Technology: Pristina receives high-tech forensics lab

A high-tech forensics lab opened on Wednesday (May 7th) in Pristina. The US government financed the staff's equipment and training, worth 6.5m euros. The lab, the most up-to-date in the region, will conduct drug chemistry analysis, ballistics examinations, fingerprinting, document analysis and DNA and blood tests.

Science and Technology: Pristina receives high-tech forensics lab (SETimes.com)
Geothermal Energy Offer to Kosovo

Pristina | 03 April 2009 |


The International Energy Corporation Group revealed on Thursday that it is willing to invest in geothermal energy in Kosovo. The head of the corporation, Wolfgang Hertel, declared that his company had already received the support of Kosovo’s government to invest in Kosovo, adding that, if the project takes off, it will take some five years to complete.

“We want to create an energy park from an oil field in Kosovo”, said Hertel. According to him, considering the geologic parameters that exist in Kosovo, it is possible to generate warm water from the earth and collect it in underground basins, over which solar panels would be deployed to produce energy.

The company has been working with oil in Venezuela, but said it was not satisfied with the political circumstances in that country. “There are no healthy and security conditions as in Kosovo”, said Hertel.

The International Energy Corporation Group generally works with oil resources, using those fields to enable the creation of geothermal energy production.

Geothermal Energy Offer to Kosovo :: BalkanInsight.com
“We want to create an energy park from an oil field in Kosovo”, said Hertel. According to him, considering the geologic parameters that exist in Kosovo, it is possible to generate warm water from the earth and collect it in underground basins, over which solar panels would be deployed to produce energy.

In der Fachwelt "Hot-Dry-Rock-Systeme(kurz HDR)" genannt.
Das große Problem ist, das die Gelder eingenommen werden von korrupten Spinnern eingesteckt werden ...