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Neshko Cent - Votka i Dzhi-Yunit

YouTube - Neshko Sent - Votka i Dzhi-Junit

50 Pfeniga feat. Lepa Brena - Cik Pogodi

YouTube - 50 pfeninga feat Lepa Brena - Čik pogodi

Lordi - Zapalit cu sve

YouTube - Lordi - Zapalit ću sve

Kredl of Fild - Sampanjac

YouTube - Kredl of Fild - Šampanjac

Nightwish - Papagaj

YouTube - Nihgtwish-Papagaj 3

Slipknot - Armani

YouTube - Slipknot-aRMANI

Saban of a Down

YouTube - system of a down feat Saban Saulic

System of a Narodnjak

YouTube - System Of A Narodnjak

falls ihr weitere habt, immer her damit :toothy2: