T TrubaciBeograd Frischling 6 September 2023 #1 Hello, I come across this forum often and decided to register and contribute to the forum from time to time. Thanks.
Hello, I come across this forum often and decided to register and contribute to the forum from time to time. Thanks.
G Gelöschtes Mitglied 33715 Guest 6 September 2023 #3 Wozu brauchen wir alle Trompeter in Belgrad? Drehst du nen Film über die Auferstehung und brauchst noch nen Erzengel Michael?
Wozu brauchen wir alle Trompeter in Belgrad? Drehst du nen Film über die Auferstehung und brauchst noch nen Erzengel Michael?
Toruko-jin Gesperrt 6 September 2023 #4 TrubaciBeograd schrieb: Hello, I come across this forum often and decided to register and contribute to the forum from time to time. Thanks. Zum Vergrößern anklicken.... You should introduce yourself properly. Where are you originally from and how old are you? Profession etc. I have to decide if you are worth commenting or not
TrubaciBeograd schrieb: Hello, I come across this forum often and decided to register and contribute to the forum from time to time. Thanks. Zum Vergrößern anklicken.... You should introduce yourself properly. Where are you originally from and how old are you? Profession etc. I have to decide if you are worth commenting or not
B berliner Geistig Abwesend 6 September 2023 #5 Toruko-jin schrieb: You should introduce yourself properly. Where are you originally from and how old are you? Profession etc. I have to decide if you are worth commenting or not Zum Vergrößern anklicken.... Remember: he has a list of all trumpet players in Belgrade. That's fucking amazing.
Toruko-jin schrieb: You should introduce yourself properly. Where are you originally from and how old are you? Profession etc. I have to decide if you are worth commenting or not Zum Vergrößern anklicken.... Remember: he has a list of all trumpet players in Belgrade. That's fucking amazing.
G Gelöschtes Mitglied 28561 Guest 6 September 2023 #6 Woher soll ich denn wissen wer alles Trompeter in Belgrad ist?
hirndominanz PROFI-MENSCH 6 September 2023 #7 Chasseral schrieb: Woher soll ich denn wissen wer alles Trompeter in Belgrad ist? Zum Vergrößern anklicken.... ...hmm, scheisse, wer denn sonst
Chasseral schrieb: Woher soll ich denn wissen wer alles Trompeter in Belgrad ist? Zum Vergrößern anklicken.... ...hmm, scheisse, wer denn sonst