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Macedonian Prayer Featuring God Himself


Land Of Eagles
[h1]Macedonian Prayer Featuring God Himself[/h1]
| 23 January 2009 | By Sinisa-Jakov Marusic in Skopje

Sinisa-Jakov Marusic

Oh yeah, in case you white people out there don’t know yet you are all “Macedonoids”! That's what God said on TV. A nine minute video appeared recently on Macedonia’s national TV in which non other but God himself speaks to Macedonians calling them the oldest nation and conceivers of the white race.

At the beginning of the video, a voice is reading a so called “Macedonian prayer” asking god in the name of all Macedonians to help them reveal the truth about their own oppressed and disputed country.

“Our neighbors distributed thousands of books across the world, containing false history and portraying wrong picture about Macedonia” the voice said. “Only you know our pain, our suffering. Only you know who we are, what we are and why we are Macedonians”.

Yes the over dramatized overture sounds pathetic at the very least but I said - ok, all people have been oppressed in one way or another trough history so they are entitled to say their prayers to whoever they think fit.

You know Macedonia has not been doing really well recently. NATO and possibly EU are conditioned with change of its name due to the Greek blockade, the economy is poor as ever and the global downturn is not cheering people either.

But the thing that really left me stunned was the second part of the video. Out of the blue a powerful lightning sets the innuendo and God himself starts speaking.

“From you, Macedonians, descendants of Macedon I conceived the white race. All that stretches over to the Japanese sea is conceived from you gene”, God says to his flock calling all the white men on the planet “Macedonoids”.

So there you have it! What better proof than god himself. While you are wondering how do you even pronounce “Macedonoids” or how God aquired masters degree in genetic sciences, be ready because here we come to enlighten you?

But really, what kind of person would dare to impersonate God, on notional television none the less claiming to deliver “the real truth”?

This footage would otherwise be hilarious if it was not tragic reminder of the nationalistic mud that we are engulfed in.

There must be a BIG RED LINE drawn separating a good Christian who loves his country and someone who is poisoning people with Nazi ideology.

I would just like to note to all those who would use this as an excuse to promote their own nationalistic myths that they are no better than the people who made this disgrace.

I pray to God for only one thing. Let Macedonians have wisdom and courage and oppose this self distructing ideology planting roots among them. The Greek, Bulgarian or whatever nationalism is no excuse for this.

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Macedonian Prayer Featuring God Himself :: BalkanInsight.com

also I just can say..."No Comment" :help: