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Mile Stojkoski: Mit dem Rollstuhl zu Olympia nach London


Μακεδоν τ
Mile Stojkoski ist seit 1996 nach einem Unfall an den Rollstuhl gebunden, er hat schon öfter mit solche Aktionen auf sich und auf die Situation der behinderten Personen in MK aufmerksam gemacht.

Sein nächstes Projekt ist mit dem Rollstuhl von Makedonien nach London zu fahren, ca 3.500 km.

Mile ist ein super Typ, kenne ich persönlich, wir haben auch schon gemeinsam humanitäre Aktionen gestartet und auf humanitäre Veranstaltungen gemeinsam für eine gute Sache geworben.

Ich wünsche ihm viel Erfolg :)

Wheelchair campaigner gets rolling on his long journey to Olympics


BusinessDay - Wheelchair campaigner gets rolling on his long journey to Olympics
LEFT without the use of both legs after a car struck him in 1996, Mile Stojkoski turned to sport as his rehabilitation — table-tennis, target-shooting, kayaking, gymnastics, swimming.

But the former administrative clerk’s signature discipline became his long-distance wheelchair "marathons" which he undertakes to raise awareness about the plight of disabled people in the Balkans, where they are marginalised and stigmatised.

If all goes to plan, Stojkoski will roll into London on July 27 for the opening of the Olympic Games, at the end of a 3500km trip by wheelchair from his native Macedonia.

"At first I was in shock and angry," he said of the day he was confined to a wheelchair. "But then I realised I had to do something to improve the situation."

This is the 46-year-old’s 10th long-distance wheelchair journey, although he has never officially raced. Stojkoski and his support team of two will travel through 15 European countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Britain.

"I became interested in this because it’s a combination of strength, stamina and psychological persistence," he told Reuters this week during a brief highway stop in Serbia.

Stojkoski, who has a wife and a daughter, has travelled to the Olympics before.

In 2004, he made a 20-day, 704km trip to the Games in Athens, but failed to complete the trek to Beijing in 2008. He was running low on funds by the time he was turned back at the Syrian-Jordanian border because of an unresolved visa issue.

Unlike his aborted 2008 state-funded trip to Beijing, the Macedonian government has only supported him this time by obtaining visas. Stojkoski collected the rest of the money.

A company donated food while others, including friends, gave him money, he said. But most came from his own pocket.

Unlike other disabled athletes, who favour light-alloy wheelchairs designed for sport, Stojkoski uses an ordinary wheelchair.

"I want to show people that it can be done," he said.

He had an escort of police and local bikers through Serbia as he headed north for Hungary.

"This man is amazing," said Milan Janjic, a biker from the Serbian capital Belgrade, adding: "I’m not sure I could muster the strength and determination after such an injury."

In 2009 Stojkoski initiated the Civic Caravan project to campaign for more rights and awareness of people with disabilities in Macedonia which ended after a travel through 24 Macedonian towns with a total length of 1000km.

In 2005 he campaigned for raising the 10000 signatures needed for the Macedonian parliament to pass a bill for the protection of the disabled. Stojkoski lead a caravan through Macedonia resulting in a 1500km trip and raised 19000 signatures.

The parliament still has not voted to pass the bill.
[h=1]Eine unglaubliche Reise[/h]
Von Leon Weber

[h=5]BONN. Der mazedonische Ultra-Marathon-Athlet Mile Stojkoski fährt im Rollstuhl zu den Olympischen Spielen nach London.[/h]
IPC-Generalsekretär Xavier Gonzales (links) empfängt Mile Stojkoski mit seinem Trainer Dragen Vanvcoski. Foto: Horst Müller

Nach einem Motorradunfall im Jahre 1996 ist Mile Stojkoski querschnittsgelähmt und an einen Rollstuhl gebunden. Doch anstatt zu verzweifeln oder sich gar aufzugeben, hat sich der 47-Jährige neue Ziele gesetzt. Durch sogenannte "Ultra-Marathons", die er in einem normalen Rollstuhl absolviert, setzt er sich seit vielen Jahren für behinderte Menschen ein. Momentan befindet sich Stojkoski auf dem Weg von seiner mazedonischen Heimat nach London, wo er pünktlich zu den Olympischen und Paralympischen Spielen ankommen will.
87 Tage ist Stojkoski bereits unterwegs, als er am Montag dem Hauptsitz des International Paralympic Committe (IPC) in Bonn einen Besuch abstattete. Etliche Länder hat er in den vergangenen drei Monaten bereits gesehen, nur noch wenige liegen zwischen ihm und seinem großen Ziel. Um Menschen mit Behinderung zu inspirieren und anderen das Bewusstsein für den Umgang mit Behinderungen zu schärfen, geht Stojkoski an seine körperlichen Grenzen.
Und doch besteht er darauf, dass auch sein zehnter Marathon, die 5000 Kilometer im Rollstuhl auf dem Weg nach London, für ihn kein Problem darstellt. Lediglich finanzielle Engpässe können ihn aufhalten. Zwar unterstützen private Firmen und die mazedonische Regierung einen Teil seiner Reise, doch sind seine Ultra-Marathons letztendlich nur durch eigene Finanzierung realisierbar.
Auch bürokratische Hürden gilt es immer wieder zu überwinden. 2007 etwa nahm Stojkoskis Reise zu den Olympischen Spielen in Peking ein abruptes Ende, als er an der jordanischen Grenze kein gültiges Visum erhielt. Sein Visum für Großbritannien hat Stojkoski noch nicht, doch ist er zuversichtlich, dass er dies bis zum Zeitpunk seiner Ankunft in etwa 40 Tagen ausgestellt bekommt. Sollte es wider Erwarten zu Komplikationen kommen, wird Stojkoski die restlichen Kilometer in Frankreich, möglicherweise sogar in einem Stadion, absolvieren.
Die Hilfe, die Stojkoski seitens verschiedener Organisationen bekommt, zahlt er auf seine Weise zurück. Mit teils sehr gefährlichen Abschnitten, unter anderem über Autobahnen, provoziert Stojkoski nämlich regelmäßig polizeiliche Aufmerksamkeit und bringt sich somit ins Gespräch. Insbesondere die Nationalen Paralympischen Komitees, die ihn unterstützen, profitieren so von seltenem medialen Interesse.
Auch wenn die Sommerolympiade in London vor der Tür steht, schmiedet Stojkoski bereits eifrig Zukunftspläne. Sein großer Wunsch ist es, nach seiner Rückkehr neue Paralympische Zentren zu gründen, zuerst in Mazedonien und dann im ganzen Balkan.

Querschnittsgelähmt: Eine unglaubliche Reise | News | Regio-Sport | Sport | General-Anzeiger Bonn



Macedonian paraplegic makes epic journey across Europe

Mile Stojkoski has set himself a big challenge: The 47-year-old is travelling to the London Olympics from his home in Macedonia. He's covering the 5,700 kilometers in his wheelchair.
Mile Stojkoski wheels himself along the edge of the road, dressed in an eyecatching red-and-white tracksuit, with thick silicon gloves to protect his hands. The cars and buses are forced to swerve round him as he travels along.
Mile, who is paralyzed from the waist down, is currently in Germany - over half-way through his herculean journey.

Progress, especially on the uphill stretches, can be painfully slow. But, says Mile, it's not a race - he just wants to make it to London in time for the start of the Olympics on July 27th. He left Macedonia in mid-March and has already notched up ten countries on his journey: Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland and now Germany. He has four more countries ahead of him before he reaches the UK.
Grabbing attention

Mile wants to raise awareness about disability by provoking a response, any response, from the people he meets along the way.

Cars and buses have to swerve around Mile as he wheels along

"The reactions are always positive, and people are either stunned, shocked or very glad to see something like this," he told DW, speaking through an interpreter. "My idea is to come out on the streets to make disability visible, to make it disappear. Even if it's dangerous, I keep on doing it."

It is a pretty dangerous undertaking. Mile is accompanied by a team of two in a support car. But he's been stopped by the police several times - most recently last weekend, when he was pulled over by an off-duty German police officer. She eventually let him go after giving him a warning about the hairpin bends and heavy traffic in the area.

Shoestring budget

Mile has the backing of the Macedonian government - but funding is a problem. He relies on donations from individuals or companies. Often, he and his team have to pitch up a tent overnight to save money. It's a grueling schedule.

"A typical day for us is getting up at 6am, getting ready by 8," Mile explains. And we start pushing 50 to 70 kilometers every day, and I only stop when I have to meet organizations or do a press conference."

Meeting those who work with the disabled is an integral part of his trip. Whilst in Bonn, he visits the headquarters of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) - which is publishing a blog of his journey.

"I have a lot of admiration for somebody that is willing to take the journey and going from the Balkans to London to celebrate the Paralympic movement, but also to send the message back home that there are things that need to be changed," said Xavi Gonzalez, IPC chief executive.

Raising awareness

Disabled people in Macedonia and other parts of the Balkans are rarely high on the political agenda. They lack access to amenities like rehabilitation centers or specialized sporting facilities. Many are shut away at home, or in institutions.

In Bonn, Mile and his team visit the headquarters of the IPC

Mile says the differences between eastern and western Europe are "black and white" when it comes to disability. But the thing that frustrates him is that disabled people in the west don't always make use of the opportunities they have - and he wants to provoke them into action.

"I'm trying to motivate them, but it's honestly frustrating," he said.

Mile was left paralyzed from the waist down after a motorbike accident in 1996. His says sport was the key to his recovery - both physically and mentally. His passion for ultra-marathons began when he wheeled himself to the Olympics in Athens in 2004. He attempted to repeat the feat by travelling to the games in Beijing four years later - but he only got as far as Syria because he didn't have the required visa.

Olympic spirit

Disabled people in Macedonia have limited access to facilities

"I believe that the Olympic spirit is the highest possible expression of internal strength, that's why I wish to promote the Olympic and Paralympic Games," Mile said.

So why doesn't Mile participate in the Paralympics himself? He's clearly got the stamina for a wheelchair marathon or two. He says he's tried many sports over the years, but this is what suits him best:

"My great ambition, yes it was to participate in the Paralympic Games, but I found that doing ultra-marathons was far more interesting to me and suited my character of will and persistence."

That sense of persistence will now take him through to the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France on the final leg of his journey, before he hops across the channel to the UK in time for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in London.
Author: Joanna Impey
Editor: Helen Seeney

Macedonian paraplegic makes epic journey across Europe | Europe | DW.DE | 15.06.2012


Name and Surname: MILE STOJKOSKI
Acc. No: 0230705564243
IBAN: MK07300307055642475


Komercijalna banka AD Skopje
Kej Dimitar Vlahov, no. 4, 1000, Skopje, Macedonia

Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.


    Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
Mile Stojkoski ist seit 1996 nach einem Unfall an den Rollstuhl gebunden, er hat schon öfter mit solche Aktionen auf sich und auf die Situation der behinderten Personen in MK aufmerksam gemacht.

Sein nächstes Projekt ist mit dem Rollstuhl von Makedonien nach London zu fahren, ca 3.500 km.

Mile ist ein super Typ, kenne ich persönlich, wir haben auch schon gemeinsam humanitäre Aktionen gestartet und auf humanitäre Veranstaltungen gemeinsam für eine gute Sache geworben.

Ich wünsche ihm viel Erfolg :)

Zoranius und "humanitär".. :lol27: Na ja trotzdem, von mir auch viel Erfolg. :-) Abgesehen von einer großen körperlichen Leistung, ist es auch ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung, wenn man die Mitmenschen auf die Behinderten-Problematik sensibilisiert.

Zoranius und "humanitär".. :lol27: Na ja trotzdem, von mir auch viel Erfolg. :-) Abgesehen von einer großen körperlichen Leistung, ist es auch ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung, wenn man die Mitmenschen auf die Behinderten-Problematik sensibilisiert.


Hätte mich auch gewundert wenn nur ein Beitrag eines griechischen BF Spacken ohne Provokation auskommt...
VIDEO-FILM 57min: A GREAT MACEDONIAN by Renato Giugliano [video]http://www.cultureunplugged.com/documentary/watch-online/play/9259/A-GREAT-MACEDONIAN[/video]

Голем Македонец (ВИДЕО)

25ЈУН 201221:16​

Документарецот на италијанскиот режисер Ренато Џулијано му ја прераскажа на целиот свет приказната за Дејан Зафиров, македонскиот голем велосипедист со протеза на едната нога. Дејан по поминати 14,3 илјади километри на велосипед најавува нови предизвици.
„Дејан е голем македонски велосипедист. Сега е на пат за Франција. Тој патува сам, со својот велосипед и својата протетска нога. Дејан не знае што е страв, ама знае за неговата желба да ги надмине сите ограничувања, знае за својата сила и волја, за сите предизвици што си ги поставува. Во летото 2009 година, Дејан ги ‘порази своите стравови’ и со својот велосипед тргна од Скопје, Македонија, срцето на Балканот, на долгиот осамен пат за Франција“.​
Ова го пишува во синопсисот на документарниот филм за Дејан Зафиров на италијанскиот режисер Ренато Џулиано. Неговиот филм „Голем Македонец“ освои неколку награди на Зимскиот сараевски фестивал 2012, фестивалот Листапад 2011, Спортфилм фестивал 2011…
„За Дејан ова е голем напор, нов предизвик против сопствените граници, во докажувањето дека животот уште може да биде ист како и пред неговата несреќа. Тој носи протеза поради банална несреќа, која пред неколку години му се случила во една фабрика во Франција, при што ја изгубил ногата. Ништо не може да ги запре моите желби, вели Дејан“.
Лани на штипјанецот Дејан Зафиров му беа потребни 60 дена и 5.300 километри да ја заврши велосипедската мисија во Северна Америка. Во текот на целото патување Зафиров имаше 8 дена одмор и возеше во просек по 100 километри на ден. Пред тоа беше на слична мисија во Јужна Америка. Очигледно планот му е да ги помине на велосипед шесте континенти.
За годинава Зафиров планираше да помине 4.000 километри возејќи низ планинскиот и живописен предел на Кина, почнувајќи во близина на Хонгконг, па сè до Хималаите.
Но на неговиот Фејсбук профил од пред десетина дена стои оваа порака:
„Донесов една голема одлука овие денови. Да ги одложам наредните велосипедски патувања на неодредено. Цената за еден таков голем подвиг сепак стана преголема на работен, финансиски, личен и се претвори во еден своевиден луксуз за во ова време и за во оваа реалност. Една бескрајна потрага по пари, поддршка и жонглирање со другите делови од мојот живот. А сепак нема горчина. Напротив. Едно големо преиспитување и промена. Пред мене стои уште еден поголем предизвик што мислам уште повеќе ќе ми го наполни срцето. Следуваат едни долги маратони кон внатре и менување на начинот на манифестација. Наместо велосипед сега….нешто друго. Ќе видиме наскоро
. Наскоро можеби ќе ве изненадам со нови подвизи, а и вие мене со вашите“.

Голем Македонец (ВИДЕО) – МКД.мк