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NATO Chef verlangt vom Kosovo, die Erfüllung der Standards


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NATO Chief Says Review of Standards Depends on Kosovo's Further Progress


Es wird keine Zukunft für den Kosovo geben, wenn die Standard's nicht erfüllt werden und damit nicht begonnen wird.

Der Schutz der Minderheiten und die notwendigen Gespräche mit Belgrad sind eine der Voraussetzungen.

PRISTINA, Kosovo, Serbia-Montenegro -- Visiting Pristina on Friday (13 May), NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said there would be a review of standards for Kosovo only if there is further progress on implementation. The NATO chief said his visit, along with members of the North Atlantic Council, was aimed at reaffirming the Pact's continued political commitment to Kosovo, as well as assessing the fulfilment of internationally set standards. He cited some encouraging signs, including the cautious resumption of the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue and new Serb readiness to participate in local institutions. De Hoop Scheffer stressed that efforts should be stepped up to protect minorities and in the decentralisation process. He added that future political talks between Pristina and Belgrade should extend beyond technical matters. (NATO Web site, KosovaLive - 13/05/05)


Die Albanische UCK Mafia in Pristina, sollte also mal mit diesem Kinder Gesabbel aufhören und von Unabhängigkeit reden.

Ansonsten konnte man genau dies schon 2003 von mir im Politikforum lesen. Die NATO Führung braucht halt ein bisschen länger um so einfache Dinge zu kapieren, was notwendig ist. Und die UCK Führung versteht sowieso immer nur "Bahnhof"
Der NATO Chef, warnt ausdrücklich die Kosovaren Führer, das wenn es keine schnellere Entwicklung gibt bei den Standards, die Kosovaren absolut Nichts mehr in Richtung Selbst Verwaltung und Autonomie erwarten können.

http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/RWB.NSF/db900SID/MMQD-6CCQ3S?OpenDocument&rc =4&emid=ACOS-635NHD

Source: Agence France-Presse (AFP) Date: 13 May 2005

Extremism, violence could postpone Kosovo status talks: NATO

PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro, May 13 (AFP) - Talks slated for later this year on the possible independence of Kosovo could be postponed without faster progress on UN-set democratic standards, the NATO chief said Friday. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer issued the warning to Kosovo's ethnic Albanian majority, which is demanding independence from Serbia, during a trip to the southern province. "We have seen some encouraging signs but there is a lot do. If there is no more concrete progress ... in meeting the standards the process may be postponed," he told reporters.