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Neue Postkarten für Albanische Tourismus Reklame

Der neue Minister wird in den grossen Städten Touristische Büros eröffnen, was mit Sicherheit ein richtiger schritt ist.

Leskaj calls for setting up a tourist information office
Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports, opened yesterday, after Vlora, the first phase of workshops “The City and Tourism” that is going to take place in any towns of Albania until the start of the coming tourist season.The focus of all these meetings will be the problems noticed during the 2005 tourist season and the undertakings needed to have an auspicious tourist season for the year 2006. In his word, the Minister Leskaj stressed these meetings’ importance to confront not only the problems, but to find also sustainable and quick solutions that are needed to guarantee a favourable tourist season since the coming year. Leskaj halted especially at the matters concerning the implementation and development of the cultural tourism and ecotourism in Albania. Albania’s resources are considerably estimated, comprising the authenticity and the particularity in the demands of tourists that are more attracted from the mysterious tourist destinations. Berat, as a monument of our cultural and historical heritage, with its 2400 years history displays special values in the development of this form of tourism, - underlined Leskaj, pointing out the Berat’s imminent admission in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List will enhance further its tourist values as well as creating premises to attract not only the attention of the prestigious international institutions, but to become also a visited town all year long, a dreamed privilege for many tourist destinations. Minister Leskaj offering all the support of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports, called for an active collaboration of all interested parties in the tourism field to achieve the development of a sustainable tourism in Berat town and all over the country. The minister called the participants’ attention on the importance the establishment and the publication in advance of cultural activities’ agendas, the reassessment and the support for cultural events and local festivals, the management’s improvement and training the staff that operate and offer tourist services, the establishment of the Tourist Information Office have in the development of this field, so important for the economy of the country.

Mit über 10 Jahren Verspätung, wird die grosse herrliche Rozafa Burg bei Skhoder zum Touristischen Ziel erklärt.

Ich will nur aufzeigen, wie korrupt und unfähig dort die Politischen Kräfte sind und waren, das man sowas nicht vor über 10 Jahren gemacht hat und damit hätte man längst viel Geld verdienen können.

Die haben ne Klasse Burg, direkt an der Strasse und der Stadt und machten Nichts!

Leskaj: Rozafa castle, a tourist destination
Minister of Tourism Bujar Leskaj said during his visit in Shkodra town that Rozafa castle will be transformed into a tourist destination.The scope of the visit was to implement the new concept and platform of the Albanian tourism as well as to bring up the problems noticed during the 2005 tourist season in order to find solutions. Given the broad gamma of problems, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports will coordinate the works with all bodies that affect directly the tourism’s progress and with other international institutions, NGOs and scientific institutions. According to Leskaj, an effective development and solutions cannot be promoted with the previous strategy, which although its relevant components, it was not complete. It served only as a bureaucratic draft, uncompleted and with a development concept already fulfilled. The new concept completing the 2002-2012 Strategy is defined “Strategy and Action Plan for the Development of Albanian Tourism Sector based on Environmental and Cultural Tourism”, and short-term, medium-term and long-term development is based on this platform. “Shkodra, Berat and Gjirokastra are towns that during the intensive work for drawing up the Cultural and Ecotourism Strategy and Action Plan have been the confirmation that we are in the right and necessary direction,” – he said. Minister Leskaj estimated Shkodra Municipality’s endeavours while introducing the ministry’s programme for Shkodra. “With the assistance of our ministry, private sector and NGO’s, every tourist centre should articulate the recommended itineraries for visitors- projected in half-day, full-day blocks,” –Leskaj said. The licensing process of accommodating units and tourist agencies has started all over the country. Shkodra should complete this process within January 2006, he concluded. The visit in Shkodra came after the two previous visits in Vlora and Berat to introduce this strategy.

