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Persiens Beiträge zur menschlichen Zivilisation


Wer kein English kann , denn werdeich auf deutsch aufschreien welche Dingen wir von denn Persern (Iraner) zu erdanken haben......

Einige Beispiele:Bauchtanz, Rasier-Messer-Klinge, Kanalbau, eine Religion die unseren heutigen Religionen (Islam , Christentum und Judentum) beeinflusste, Das entwerden der einst großen Metropole Bagdad der heutigen Hauptstadt Iraks, Ziegelstein , Windmühle , Spinat , Erste Züchtung der Ziegen und Hühner , Papier haben die Perser nach Europa aus China weitergeührt.., Eiscreme , Wein , Die Algebra und teile und Anfang der Medizin und Chemie , Die heiligen drei Könige ..die bei Jesus Geburt anwesend waren sind in Iran begraben, erste Entwicklung der Gittare , Tulpen , Pfirsische , Arzt , Kekse usw was wir denn alten Persern zu verdanken haben.


Persian contributions to humanity
From the humble brick, to the windmill, Persians have mixed creativity with art. Here are some of the cultural contributions of Iran:

Belly Dancing
The Sword
Original excavation of a Suez Canal [1] [2]
(1400 BC to 600 BC) - Zoroastrianism, a religion which had an important impact on Judaism, and thus indirectly, on Christianity and Islam. Some experts however, claim that Zoroaster was actually born in 6184BC, and was himself a follower of the religion called Mehr introduced by Mehabad who lived 3593 years before Zoroaster i.e. 9700 BC or 11705 years ago (retroactive 2005). [3] [4] It should be noted that Zoroaster himself was not an ethnic Persian, but (possibly) an ethnic Bactrian who were closely related to Persians.
(1400 BC) - Backgammon appears in the east of Iran.
Designing Baghdad: The original city was based on Persian precedents such as Firouzabad in Persia. The two designers who were hired by the caliph al-Mansur to plan the city were Nowbakht, a former Persian Zoroastrian, and Mashallah, a former Jew from Khorasan, Iran. (p 10)
The ziggurat. The Sialk ziggurat predates that of Ur or any other of Mesopotamia's 34 ziggurats.
The brick. The oldest brick found to date are Persian, from ca. (6000 BC).
The courrier post. [5] [6]
The windmill. [7] [8]
Earliest known domestication of the goat. [9]
Source for introduction of the domesticated chicken into Europe.
First cultivation of spinach
Introduction of paper to the west [10]
Ice Cream (400 BC) [11] [12]
(521 BC) - The game Polo.[13]
Wine. Earliest known cultivation of the grape, and fermentation of wine 5400 BC [14]
(576 BC to 529 BC) - Under the rule of Cyrus II the Great, the Cyrus Cylinder was issued. It was discovered in 1879 in Babylon and today is kept in the British Museum. [15] [16]
(576 BC to 529 BC) - Under the rule of Cyrus II the Great, Cyrus frees the Jews from Babylonian captivity. See Cyrus in the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Queen Esther, Daniel, and Mordechai are all buried in Iran.
(250 BC) - According to archelogical digs, the Parthians created the world's first batteries. Their original use is still uncertain, though it is suspected that they were used for electroplating. [17]
Algebra and Trigonometry: Numerous Iranians were directly responsible for the establishment of Algebra, the advancement of Medicine and Chemistry, and the discovery of Trigonometry. [18] [19].
First systematic use of alcohol in Medicine: Rhazes (864-930)[20]
Development of the guitar [21] [22]
(870 - 950) -
(935 - 1020) - Ferdowsi writes the Shahnama (Book of Kings) that resulted in the revival of Iranian culture and the expansion of the Iranian cultural sphere.
Tulips were first cultivated in ancient Persia [23] [24]
Peaches are a fruit of Persian origin, as indicated by their Latin name, persica, from which (by way of the French) we have the English "peach." [25]
(980 - 1037) - Avicenna, a physician, writes The Canon of Medicine one of the foundational manuals in the history of modern medicine.
Rumi , America's most read poet, is an Iranian. [According to the CSM, referring to 1997]
The teaching hospital
Qanat , subterranean aqueducts.
Yakhchals , ancient refrigerators. (See picture above)
Badgirs , ancient air residential conditioning.
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