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Petersen: Keine Status Gespräche für den Kosovo, bei Gewalt


Wie die Amerikaner reagieren werden, wissen die UCK Banditen und Politischen Mafia Gangs im Kosovo, wie Petersen klar stellt.

The Kosovars better than anybody else fully understand another outburst of violence means that they can wave goodbye to immediate status talks,"

UN Envoy Sees Tough Year Ahead for Kosovo


BELGRADE, Serbia-Montenegro -- Next year will be particularly difficult for Kosovo and the international community should be prepared for all possible scenarios, UNMIK chief Soren Jessen-Petersen told the BBC on Monday (13 December). He went on to explain that provocations are possible as the time approaches for the start of negotiations on the province's final status. "The Kosovars better than anybody else fully understand another outburst of violence means that they can wave goodbye to immediate status talks," he said.

In other news Monday, Kosovo's new Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj urged Serbs in the province to participate in the local institutions and in the provincial government. But no Serb representatives attended a session held at UN headquarters in Pristina Monday to discuss proposals for the decentralisation process. (Beta - 14/12/04; BBC, Reuters, Tanjug, B92 - 13/12/04)
