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Petersen und sein Report an den UN Sicherheits Rat


Die Reihenfolge, was im Kosovo erwartet wird:

A) Sicherheit für Alle, als Basis für weitere Aktionen

(das dürfte wohl bei der Banditen Terror Herrschaft der UCK noch über 100 Jahre dauern)

B) Der Beginn von den Standards (das dauert dann weitere 100 Jahre)

C) dann werden Kompetentenzen an lokale Verwaltungs Einheiten

D) SChutz aller Personen und Rückkehr der Vertriebenen und Sicherheit im Kosovo, das sich Alle frei bewegen können: (dauert wohl 1.000 Jahre)

'E) Wirtschafts Wachstum

F) ein Fernrohr den UCK Terroristen kaufen, denn ein eigener Staat ist passe'!


UNMIK/PR/1275 Monday, 29 November 2004

PRISTINA – SRSG Søren Jessen-Petersen is addressing the UN Security Council in New York this afternoon [10:15-14:00 NY time].

The following is the text of his address:

Mr President, Mr Secretary General, Excellencies, I am pleased to address the Security Council three and a half months after beginning my mission inKosovo. When I arrived in Pristina on 15 August, I expressed my belief that there could be no normalisation and no stabilisation in the Western Balkans without a resolution of the Kosovo issue. I am more than ever convinced of this. I outlined five mission priorities at the start:

􀂃 security – as the basis of all action; 􀂃 prioritizing standards and accelerating their implementation; 􀂃 further transfer of competencies to PISG with increased capacity-building, but also accompanied by greater accountability; 􀂃 protection of minorities, including freedom of movement and returns of displaced persons, as key components of the Standards; and 􀂃 moving aggressively on the economy, an overarching priority.

Guided by the recommendations in Ambassador Eide’s report and based on meetings the Secretary General had with the Contact Group last September, we have agreed on a way forward in implementing the five priorities. Let me say a few words about each of them.

* * * First, on security. The violence last March showed just how fragile the security environment in Kosovo can be. Since then, the security situation has improved significantly. The last eight months have seen only one serious ethnic-related incident. The recent election campaign, and the election day itself, were peaceful. Co-operation with KFOR is excellent. There is close coordination between UNMIK Police, the Kosovo Police Service, and KFOR at all levels. Command, control, communications and liaison arrangements have been strengthened, including the establishment of joint operations centres. The Kosovo Police Service now has its own special unit to respond to unrest, in addition to the three UN Special Police Units already deployed. We are also addressing security through various consultative mechanisms. The Kosovo Security Advisory Group established last July brings together representatives of all communities to build confidence; we very much hope that the Kosovo Serbs will re-join the Group soon. We have also established Local Crime Prevention Councils in all municipalities, bringing together all ethnic communities and international representatives in order to tackle security issues at the grassroots level. Finally, on the presence of KFOR, I would like to add that I appealed to NATO ambassadors in an address on 10 November to ‘stay the course’ and maintain the current force size. We are entering a crucial phase in Kosovo and it is more than ever essential that we closely synchronise our political strategy with the right level of military preparedness and ability to respond.

* * * Let me now move to standards. Standards remain the central plank of the International Community’s policy in Kosovo. At the same time, it is – and indeed must be – the overriding priority of the new Government to implement standards prior to the planned formal assessment of progress in the middle of next year. As you know, UNMIK is now assessing Kosovo’s progress in quarterly technical reviews annexed to the political reports of the Secretary General. Our first assessment – covering the period through September of this year – shows that while progress has been made in some areas, it has been uneven and there is still much work ahead for the PISG. Achieving progress on all eight Standards remains our basic policy. At the same time, against the planned timeline of a review in mid-2005, one cannot expect the more than 400 detailed indicators laid out in the Standards Implementation Plan to be fulfilled. But one can expect and must demand real progress in the implementation of those Standards that together contribute most to the establishment of a multi-ethnic Kosovo. So, in agreement with the Secretary General and with the support of the Contact Group, I am putting particular emphasis on key priorities in the areas of the rule of law, freedom of movement, returns, functioning local institutions, and security. We are addressing issues on which Kosovo failed in March, and we are insisting that significant progress is made on them by mid-2005 at the latest. Clear criteria, measurable indicators, and joint UNMIK-PISG working groups are now in place. Progress is achievable, and I believe that a determined new Government could achieve it in the time available.

* * * Mr President, we have also moved on the further transfer of competencies to the PISG. I recently agreed to establish three new ministries: returns and communities; energy and mining; and local government. This is in line with our strategy that all competencies not directly involving sovereignty should be transferred as soon as possible. I intend to go ahead with further transfers, notably in the area of the economy and – in due course – also in areas linked to justice and security. Transfer of competencies must be accompanied by more effective capacity-building. To that end, we are re-energising donor efforts to help the PISG build capacity. In a recent meeting, the PISG and donors reached agreement to work together on a comprehensive strategy and implementation plan to ensure that we not only identify, but also address gaps in capacity at central and municipal level. Transfer of competencies must also be accompanied by greater accountability of the PISG. To this end, I have been looking closely at my powers to intervene and, as necessary, to impose sanctions; allow me to come back to this in a few minutes.

* * * A vital aspect of our work revolves around the protection of the rights of minority communities, now the main focus of the Standards. The authorities must ensure that all communities feel safe and secure and are able to live normal lives, free of fear and intimidation. One key way of reaching out to the communities is through decentralisation, or reform of local government to form the basis for the successful integration of Kosovo’s minority communities into the fabric of society. With UNMIK assistance, a PISG Working Group, with the participation of Kosovo Serb observers and with the support of the Council of Europe, formulated a plan for decentralisation over the summer. It is a practical programme to build links between local authorities and citizens, giving all citizens equal access to all rights. Let me be clear: Territorial division is neither desirable in principle nor workable in a relatively small territory where only one third of the Kosovo Serb population is concentrated north of the Ibar River, and the remaining two thirds are scattered across the rest of Kosovo, mostly in small rural areas. However, it is exactly because of their isolated and exposed locations that their security as well as economic and social rights must be ensured through the meaningful self-government plan developed by the Working Group in Kosovo. We have also, in agreement with the PISG, invited Belgrade to provide advisory support to the meetings of the Working Group as well as elements from a plan developed in Belgrade that could enrich the PISG decentralization plan. The Working Group met just last Tuesday to work on the criteria for pilot projects; we are moving forward and I very much hope that the Kosovo Serbs will join – it is in their direct interest to participate, and in our interest that they do so. Dialogue at various levels is key. In addition to the principal Pristina-based dialogue between Kosovo’s majority and minority communities, I hope that we can resume and reinforce the Direct Dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade. I have visited Belgrade twice since assuming office and had good, constructive talks. We now need to move on Direct Dialogue. The four Working Groups established by my predecessor one year ago are dormant and we are looking into ways of resuscitating them. Most importantly, we must make progress on the issue of missing persons: I recently suggested to Prime Minister Kostunica that we re-start the dialogue on missing persons under the auspices of the ICRC, and I very much hope for a positive reply. Not moving on this issue, or linking it to other issues, would mean adding further pain to the agonies of the families of missing persons who have a right to know as soon as possible what happened to their loved ones. Too much time has already passed on this unbearable uncertainty. While on dialogue, let me underline the importance of maintaining a regular dialogue within the region. I have already visited Tirana, Skopje, and Podgorica and will continue this regional dialogue. Let me now address returns: improved security and freedom of movement are the pivotal factors to accelerate the return of displaced persons to Kosovo. UNMIK and KFOR are now better positioned to provide protection, but only Kosovo Albanian leaders and society can and must effectively dispel the need for such protection and create true security. We have revisited our strategy for returns and are looking at a combination of:

􀂃 more specific security and freedom of movement initiatives; 􀂃 incentives or disincentives for co-operative or obstructive officials respectively; and 􀂃 more targeted use of sanctions.

If action is taken, this spring could see a significant increase in returns – the PISG is aware that without such progress, one of the key priority standards will remain unmet. Progress in recent weeks demonstrates that returns can move forward even in relatively difficult areas, where local authorities have moved from obstruction to support of returns. Although the March violence marked a huge setback, work intended to begin last spring is now moving forward in a number of areas in Kosovo. A few words on reconstruction: following the March riots, the PISG recognised immediately its responsibility to reconstruct damaged or destroyed property, and set up a commission that has made substantial progress. Work on the majority of the more than 900 affected homes has been completed. However, more than 2.000 people displaced in March have not yet returned to their reconstructed homes. The momentum we saw in August and September has slowed down in the period up to elections and after. The new Government must immediately focus on completing the unfinished work. The Government’s obligation to reconstruct extends also to religious sites. Assessments have been carried out in cooperation with the Council of Europe. The PISG has allocated 3.7 million Euros from the Kosovo Consolidated Budget and I have allocated 500.000 Euros for immediate reconstruction on all 35 sites. More money could be made available. However, a disagreement with the Orthodox Church over the tendering process, and its withdrawal from the implementation commission, has temporarily halted reconstruction of church property. Prosecution of crimes relating to the March riots has also proceeded. More than 270 persons have been arrested for criminal acts related to the riots, and both international and local prosecutors are handling the cases. A number of indictments are being or will be filed, and some verdicts have been rendered. The judicial process will be pursued rigorously to make sure that no crime will go unpunished.

* * * Mr President, the very bad economic situation, the mission’s fifth and overarching priority, is possibly the biggest threat to stability and reconciliation, while at the same time the most obvious victim of lack of certainty on status. Work has been underway for some time to develop a National Economic Development Plan. This work must be accelerated. I expect the EU to play an increasingly active role in this effort. While we work on longer-term measures to improve the economy, we have undertaken short-term efforts to address joblessness. Last August, UNMIK, UNDP, and the PISG launched an employment project aimed at job creation and encouraging employers to hire more young people in the short term, thus improving social conditions. We hope to build on this initiative by working on other employment-related quick impact projects at the municipal level. Meanwhile, we must move on privatization now in order to stimulate the economy. As noted in the Technical Assessment, the privatisation process has moved forward in line with the objective of completing the privatisation process by mid to late 2006. Outstanding legal issues, however, remain and illegal seizure of SOE land by municipalities is an ongoing problem. We still have blockages due to unclear ownership issues. We are close to having a possible solution to make sure that privatization goes ahead without delay.

* * * Let me come back now to a subject I mentioned earlier. I am looking closely at how I can help ensure progress on standards through actively enforcing accountability. UNMIK is prepared to deal with officials – both at central and municipal level – who fail to carry out their duties responsibly, or who block attempts to make improvements in key areas. These areas include – but are not limited to – minority rights, freedom of movement, returns of displaced persons, equal provision of services, responsible media, and security. There are a number of tools and measures at my disposal, based on Security Council Resolution 1244, to help ensure compliance. The use of disciplinary measures must of course be commensurate with the offence. Their use must be a solution of last resort. The Government has a primary responsibility here in taking all measures to ensure progress. I should hope therefore that I will not need to use sanctions, but I am fully prepared to do so in the interests of progress towards standards and status in Kosovo. Such sanctions would be applied regardless of party affiliation, and regardless of ethnicity.

* * * Mr President, let me finally turn to recent developments linked to the Assembly elections of 23 October, which were determined to be free and fair by the Council of Europe Observation Mission. The elections were also monitored by over 13,000 local observers from political entities and NGOs, representing all communities and ensuring the transparency and acceptance of the results. The elections were conducted with considerable success and for the first time by a local body, the Central Election Commission, under the oversight of UNMIK’s Democratisation Pillar, managed by the OSCE. No significant incidents of a political or security nature interrupted polling, which overall took place in a fully safe and secure environment that allowed people to vote freely. While the overall turnout was good, I regret very much the disappointingly low turnout of the Kosovo Serbs. Certainly, many of them are dissatisfied with their living conditions, including inadequate freedom of movement and concerns about security and the economic situation. It is also true that Kosovo Serb politicians registered late, following the much appreciated call to participate by President Tadic. They therefore had very little time to mobilise voters. Belgrade was divided, and there were calls by leading government authorities in Serbia and the Serbian Orthodox Church for a boycott. Another reason was anti-democratic pressure and intimidation not to vote and, consequently, fear of retribution. Following the elections, I urged the parties to proceed with all speed in constituting the Assembly and forming a new government. I also urged all the parties that, once the new Government was formed, its first act must be to reach out to improve the living conditions of the Kosovo Serbs. Although it might well have been preferable at this stage to have a broad coalition in place, a narrower grouping of political parties, LDK and AAK, decided – in full accordance with democratic principles – to form a coalition and prepare for government. The coalition agreement, and the possible appointment of Mr Ramush Haradinaj as Prime Minister, has raised some questions and concerns in view of continuing reports that ICTY is pursuing a case related to him. However, the International Community has supported my decision not to intervene and block the democratic process. What we are seeing now is democracy at work. If ICTY proceeds with its case against Mr Haradinaj, I trust it will be based, in accordance with its mandate and responsibility, on justice at work. And, should this occur, I am confident that Kosovo will show the world and the region an example of compliance with the judiciary process, just as they have shown respect for democracy. Meanwhile, I am continuing consultations to ensure establishment of functioning institutions capable of implementing the standards with the necessary speed and quality. We are looking closely at the coalition’s programme and its current list of proposed ministers; we need to help ensure that the new Government is as capable as possible of tackling the difficult tasks ahead. Kosovo for the first time will also have a strong parliamentary opposition. I trust that this opposition, when playing its legitimate and democratic role, will show mature political judgement in the interest of Kosovo’s move towards a review of standards and status talks.

* * * Mr President, I hope it is clear from all I have said that we face a challenging and at times difficult way ahead in Kosovo. Over the last four months, we have taken significant steps forward in close partnership with the PISG, through dialogue with Belgrade, and with strong support from the Contact Group and our partnership with the EU, OSCE, and NATO/KFOR. We have developed a comprehensive, integrated strategy, a clear and consistent plan of action, and a tight – but not impossible – timetable. After almost five years of managing a holding operation in Kosovo, we may be moving towards the end game – talks on final status. The political leaders and people of Kosovo know that only action, implementation of priority standards, and hard work will get them to that goal. In return, they will expect – and we will continue to need – strong international support. I am confident that we can count on the Security Council’s full backing as we move forward.


:onfire: :oha: :wav:

Und ab sofort sind die UCK - KPC Banditen des Agim Ceku und Co, auch noch verantwortlich, für alle Einwohner des Kosovos, vor allem für die Serben, das sie in Sicherheit leben können.


Kosovo Albanians must provide Serbs with sense of security – UN envoy

Petersen diskuton standartet në OKB

Z. Petersen pritet të flasë dhe për zgjedhjet
Shefi i Misionit të Kombeve të Bashkuara në Kosovë (UNMIK), Soren Jesen Petersen pritet të raportojë të hënën përpara amabasadorëve të Këshillit të Sigurimit të Organizatës së Kombeve të Bashkuara (OKB).

Raporti i tij do të përqendrohet në aspektet teknike të zbatimit të tetë standardeve që Kosova duhet të përmbushë me kërkesë të bashkësisë ndërkombëtare.

Pikërisht për këtë çështje z.Petersen ka diskutuar dhe me ndihmëssekretarin amerikan të shtetit, Mark Grossman.

Vetë z.Grossman kohë më parë e pati caktuar mesin e vitit 2005 si kohën kur do të vlerësohet përmbushja e këtyre standarteve.

Pritet që gjatë raportimit të tij në OKB, shefi i UNMIK-ut të flasë dhe për mbajtjen e zgjedhjeve të fundit të përgjithshme në Kosovë, që bashkësia ndërkombëtare i ka cilësuar si të suksesshme.

Somit ist Alles klar!

Die Kosovaren Radikal Banditen müssen die Serben und anderen Minderheiten beschützen!

Das heisst, das diese arachischen UCk Banditen in kurzer Zeit vollkommen wahnsinnig und schizo werden!

UN Envoy Says Kosovo Authorities Must Protect Serbs


NEW YORK, United States -- The government of Kosovo must provide security to the Serb community, UNMIK chief Soren Jessen-Petersen said in a report to the UN Security Council released Monday (29 November). "The authorities must ensure that all communities feel safe and secure and are able to live normal lives, free of fear and intimidation," he wrote. Jessen-Petersen also highlighted the need for a continued international military presence in the province. He noted that security in Kosovo has "improved significantly" but warned that the situation in the entire region would not stabilise unless the issue of the province's final status is addressed.

Also Monday, EU security chief Javier Solana repeated concerns about former guerrilla commander Ramush Haradinaj becoming the next prime minister of Kosovo. Speaking to reporters in Brussels, Solana said the EU questions whether a person interviewed by The Hague tribunal because of possible involvement in war crimes is a suitable candidate for the post. (Bloomberg - 30/11/04; AFP, Tanjug, HINA, EU Observer - 29/11/04)
