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Protestbrief von Alberte Einstein und Heinrich Mann nach der Ermordung von Sufflay

John Wayne

Keyboard Turner
nach der ermordung von sufflay 1931 hatten Albet Einstein und Heinrich Mann versucht die öffentlichkeit für die misere der kroaten im königreich jugoslawien zu sensibilisieren. leider ohne großen erfolg.

Der Brief:

"The facts show that the cruelty and brutality practiced upon the Croatians only increase," Professor Einstein's letter says. "In view of this frightful situation, we urge the International League for the Rights of Man to do everything possible to press this unrestrained rule of might which prevails in Croatia."

Protests against the Yugoslav dictatorship of King Alexander have been frequent since the murder of Professor Sufflay and the many "suicides" of Croats and Macedonians in the prisons of Belgrade and Zagreb.

"Yet Agram [-> Zagreb] newspapers were not allowed to report his activities and the news of his death was suppressed." the protest reads on. Condolence telegrams were not delivered. The time of the funeral was not allowed to be made public and the raising of a mourning flag on the university was forbidden. The authorities went so far as to expel those school children who took part in the funeral and to remove wreaths which were bound with the Croatian national colors fom the grave.


Albert Einstein and H.Mann: Appeal on the Occasion of Killing of Prof Milan Sufflay in Zagreb